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Sanskrit Vibration
Citation:   Phishkid93. "Sanskrit Vibration: An Experience with DMT (exp111056)". Sep 27, 2017.

25 mg smoked DMT
    smoked Tobacco
  25 mg vaporized DMT
I had .05 of n,n,DMT and put about .025 maybe more on tobacco and smoked it and really didn't feel much of the effects. Things got shaky but nothing more than that just felt a little weird.

Now see I've smoked DMT with cannabis before and but I never really got anything more than shakey. So my thought was to take the rest of my DMT which was about .025 and try to vaporizer it to get the full effect. So I just grabbed some foil and a straw and did it the old fashioned way.

And my god the effects were not even comparable. My first initial thoughts was is this real? I started to feel my head ringing like I just felt the energies in my body shoot to my head. I went to turn my light off and it almost feels like I'm on salvia for a second just because of how much of a rush this is. And how everything almost looked like a neon color like I was in a cartoon. I knew I needed to shut off my light so I could just sit in the darkness and watch whatever is going to happen. When I got up and turned my light off my hand turned pointy almost like a snake. Now this is where things get interesting. The ringing isn't even a sound anymore it's just like a vibration almost in my head. I start to have thoughts so rapid fire in my brain almost like on mushrooms and I I had to ground myself in that very moment and tell myself that everything is going to be okay. I had some of my favorite music playing some disco biscuits to help me stay grounded. I put my hand on my chest to tell myself that what is happening is real my body is still here. You are fine. Now go venture off into another universe.

What I saw was very hard to describe it had a very Egyptian theme to it. There were symbols everywhere that almost looked like Sanskrit inside and perfectly aligned with & inside a geometric wave of color that's was constantly moving left to right. That lasted for quite some time. Then it was just a constant shift of shapes. The most profound thing that stuck with me is almost like a highway of energy translated into color that almost looked like giant ball of colors were going inside of a tunnel but the tunnels shape constantly changed size, shape, and color. I realized at this point that I'm still here in my bedroom so I took a sip if water and that helped me stay grounded. I put my hands up near my eyes with my eyes open and the lighting differences effects my visuals. Symbols everywhere in the after glow of my return. For about 5 minutes I sat in darkness and the buzzing starts to come down some.

I think I learned the most about fear. I thought about my loved ones and friends during this experience. I learned to trust myself. I learned to trust my body. To deal with fear head on is the only way to progress in life.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111056
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Sep 27, 2017Views: 1,191
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DMT (18) : General (1), Alone (16)

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