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Now I Have A Mystery To Solve
Citation:   Ben_Steve-O. "Now I Have A Mystery To Solve: An Experience with DMT (exp111083)". Nov 22, 2017.

40 mg smoked DMT
I received a bag of DMT in the mail and from there I waited a few days. The day I decided to do it I walked down to the river and found a spot to sit down and went onto loading the hit onto my bowl. I followed the directions on how to smoke it correctly and inhaled the smoke and I held the hit for 30 sec probably. My eyes were closed and I started seeing images from my past and they were being just flashed into my brain. I had the feeling that my body was being seperated from my consciousness and I felt like I was flying and I was because, I had turned into the wind and I was flying around but I couldn't recognize my surrounding it looked like a foreign land. I then flew into (although I didn't have control) a retirement home filled with old people and also the staff. I realized that I wasn't myself because I was in the body of an old lady in the retirement home and laying down in the bed and as I looked around the entire world around me had 1950’s film grain effect. I was confused as to what was going on because the staff at the retirement home fed me pudding in a cup to me while I was in the body of someone else.

The whole situation didn't make sense to me but it felt like a mystery I had to solve. From the room I was placed in I could see most of the room and other old people but the situation got fucked really quick when I saw a figure in black robes with his back towards me. He was standing by an old man on his deathbed and he slowly turned around to look at me and first I saw his hands were just bone and looked yellowed and rotting and as I saw his face as he walks towards me he just was a skeleton (he looked like the grim reaper) and he had maggots on the side of his face. He walked next to me (or the old lady) and put his hand in front of my face and I had immediate visions or memories being play in my mind but none of them made sense it felt like they weren't even my memories because, it was an entire lifetime flashed before my eyes.

As I left the trip it felt like a day had passed but it had only been 15 mins. The experience was weird but I feel like there is some sort of connection with the grim reaper visiting old people on their deathbed. The trip made me realize somehow that humans have a connected consciousness or something along those lines.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111083
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Nov 22, 2017Views: 1,027
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DMT (18) : General (1), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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