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A Nomad in the Sahara
Citation:   LexLuvsL. "A Nomad in the Sahara: An Experience with LSD (exp111087)". Oct 17, 2017.

1 hit oral LSD
This experience I am writing about was the first time I tripped on acid. As a background, I am a 120-pound female, quite petite, and at this point had experience with copious amounts of alcohol on a daily basis, lots o’ weed and coke, a variety of different painkillers, DMT, shrooms, molly – to me, it only seemed fair that it was finally the right time to do acid.

I will start off by most likely not recommending what I did: tripping in the presence of two strangers, even though I was also with two of my buddies who I was somewhat close with. You will often hear people say they don’t enjoy tripping with people they don’t know – I, however, consider this my most memorable, favorite trip, and it involved strangers. I found that to be odd.

Anyways, my good friends, we will call them Zach and Max were roommates. I hung out with both of them a lot, originally knowing Zach from high school and staying friends as we entered our freshman year of college. Max’s friend, we will deem him Alan, was visiting for the week. I was introduced to Alan that day, who I immediately liked, even pre-trip. Zach and Max’s two other roommates were also present. To this day, I feel an extreme bond with ALL of the people involved in this experience.
I feel an extreme bond with ALL of the people involved in this experience.
It is a very ethereal connection that I can’t explain.

We were all hanging out in Zach and Max’s dorm room when suddenly the topic of acid came up. Alan had bought some acid online – to this day, I really do believe it was real L, REALLY strong L because I have never had a trip quite like this one. Me, being spontaneous and pretty impulsive, was delighted to find out that Alan had acid on him, and I challenged everyone to go on a trip. This is exactly what ended up happening. I will do my best to provide a time sequence, although time is quite an illusion, especially on L.

6:00pm – We all take the tabs. Zach, an experienced tripper, takes two tabs, and Scott (the other roommate) takes two to match him. Max, Alan, and I just take one. The last of the roommates, Austin, doesn’t take any acid. He is just kind of there.

6:30pm – Everyone splits up for their own reasons. I walk back to my dorm room with Max to get my purse so we could grab something to eat. I was uneasy about this for a few reasons: one, I was starting to feel kind of weird. I felt a strange body high that sent tingly sensations through my arms and legs. It was almost as if I smoked some shitty weed and wasn’t as high as I should’ve been. Secondly, Max and I had slept together a few times when we were absolutely wasted, and I was about to trip balls at any given moment. I was worried I would feel uncomfortable around him. Nevertheless, we walked into my dorm, talked a little bit, I grabbed my purse, and we got into his car around 6:50ish.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
6:50ish – OH, fuck. We are in the car. This is the weirdest and blurriest part. Max is driving and I do NOT understand how. I could not have possibly fathomed driving in my state. It was like I was in a dream. I couldn’t really say anything because it was so hard to talk. I just stared at the road, as we seemed to FLY at the speed of light. I remember saying to Max that he was going kind of fast. He didn’t say anything – he was probably out of his mind, too. He got his food and stopped in the parking lot for a little. From there, I remember waiting for him and staring at the trees. The trees were waving at me in the dark, literally. They were beautiful and I could see them expanding and breathing -pure, gorgeous life. It wasn’t a creepy wave either; it made me laugh because it made me so happy. Max came back in the car and we drove back.

7:20pm – We get back to campus. In the parking lot as Max is about to park, we see Scott walking around, looking really confused. We started busting out laughing, because Scott was out of his mind kind of just pacing around the parking lot laughing. Max asked Scott what he was doing, and Scott replied that he was looking for his car. I suggested he not drive and come back inside with Max and I. We all walked back into their dorm.

7:30-11ishpm – As soon as I walk into the dorm, I know I am peaking. Zach is on the floor playing guitar singing, his fiery red hair VIBRANT and INSANE! I laughed and told him he looked like the Devil. After I said that, I felt very strange. Zach didn’t seem to respond well to that comment.

At this point, Max pretty much left for the entire night because his ex kept calling him. I hop on the bed awkwardly and observe my surroundings. Zach starts to eat, and I think to myself how disgusting and primitive humans look when we gorge ourselves with junk food. I stop looking at him eat because I am uncomfortable. I then notice Alan. He is absolutely freaking everyone out – he is laying down on Max’s bed, but his body is shaking. It looks like he is convulsing. We all keep having to ask if he is okay, and he keeps responding that he is fine and just needs some time. He does this for a long time, and it makes me wonder what he is going through and why. The only thing I felt was both peculiar and at peace, although I could barely talk. It was as if my thoughts took the usual place of my loud voice, and my voice became simply just loud thoughts in my head, if that makes any sense at all. Zach kept asking me trippy questions to fuck with me and see how I was doing – sometimes I could only respond with laughter. It was somewhat frustrating, because I wanted to make intellectual conversations and dwell into philosophy with my friends.

I had so many thoughts. Why did Alan appear to be convulsing? Why are humans so full of desire? Is the way I’m feeling on L a “truer” perception? Is it a godlier perception? God is not real. I am God. We are all Gods. Maybe Alan is convulsing because he is soaking up our god-like energies and he in fact is the true motherfucking GOD! I just didn’t know. I didn’t know anything. And somehow, it felt like I knew everything.

Out of nowhere, Austin, the sober roommate, came into the room and started really fucking with us. He is the reason Alan stopped convulsing. He appears to march in the room and all of a sudden pulls down his long curly hair and starts shaking it around. Everyone starts to laugh. He just looks so funny. He resembles a large lion, but in a human body. He screams obnoxious shit like, “I am tripping absolute asshole!” and proceeds to act…well, kind of like us. At this point, all of us were peaking and pretty retarded. Alan finally gets up because Austin starts to fuck with him and dance around him. Alan is cracking up now. I start to feel more comfortable and playful.

12amish-4am – We decide to go outside. On a college campus, there are only so many places a group of freshman tripping ballsack can go. So naturally, we head to the volleyball courts. At this point, I am absolutely speechless. I feel tranquil and warm on the inside. The stars are unreal: there were so many out, and they seemed to glide across the sky, lightly touching and bouncing off one another and sparkling brighter than anything I’d ever seen.

Zach urges me to be “line leader”. I am kind of mortified at this term for some reason. I felt like I was leading a caravan of rebels across our corrupt home country’s land. I led my caravan across the volleyball courts, only to lead them to a fence because I was so fucked up, I had no idea where I was going. I finally lead them inside the courts. We trudge through what seems like miles of sand: I am in the fucking Sahara desert. I need a camel to continue my journey. I am a beautiful nomad with a squad of men behind me – I am the alpha female.

We finally got past the volleyball courts and entered the basketball courts. Zach was longboarding across the court. I tried to longboard but totally failed and almost ate shit. I decide it is time to lay down on the court and look at the stars. Scott, Alan, and I lay down closely to each other, staring at the sky. I will never forget the radiance of the stars. We are listening to Daft Punk, one of my favorite artists in the world to this day, and our eyes our glued to the sky. We say nothing. Nothing needs to be said: we are finally at peace.

All of a sudden, we spot these two strange-looking people, a young dude and a girl walk onto the court. At this point, it is around 2am. We decide to talk to them. For some reason, I was convinced they were both on acid, but I am now pretty sure my theory was wrong. When I am fucked up, I am notorious for believing everyone around me is also fucked up. I fear this is an egocentric tendency and attempt to not think this way anymore.

“Are you guys livin’?” I say, smiling.
“Living?” the guy replies. He is Indian, with a very heavy accent.
“Yeah, man. We’re livin out here” I say happily.
The two people look kind of fearful and I’m wondering why.
“Are you tripping?” Scott asks them jokingly.
The Indian guy looks especially nervous, as if he has something to hide. He asks, “Are you guys undercover cops?”

At this point I wanted to drown myself in laughter, but I couldn’t. I had to keep up with this.
“Yeah, we are. We’re just making sure no one’s up to any funny business around here.” I say. The guy and girl look mortified and I end up telling them I’m messing with them. All I really remember about them leaving is that they hopped the fence instead of exiting the court a conventional way. I had a fleeting though that maybe they were trying to look for a fun place to have sex.

My friends and I then go to sit again, and begin talking, as we are finally able to verbalize minimally. I remember mostly listening to Alan and Zach talk, until Alan made a comment towards me that made me kind of upset. He told me I look like a pornstar, and Scott laughed an absurd amount. It made me think that was how they viewed me and I began to overthink.

We eventually all came together again back in the dorm and decided to attempt to sleep. Zach gave me a light show and we bumped some tunes until an upset Max, who had been on the phone all night with his girlfriend, was attempting to sleep. Zach and I slept in his bed, Max slept alone, and Alan slept on his air mattress on the floor. Zach and I cuddled and fooled around a little bit quietly, even with Max and Alan in the room, just for shits and giggles, and we couldn’t stop kissing. It felt too good. We cuddled until we fell asleep, which felt like hours later.

My first trip was beautiful. I couldn’t possibly capture everything in this experience. It is just something one needs to understand firsthand. Being with good company, it makes it all the better.


Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 111087
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 17, 2017Views: 1,224
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LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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