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Feeling Amazing and Loving
Citation:   Billyboi. "Feeling Amazing and Loving: An Experience with LSD & MDMA (exp111089)". Erowid.org. Feb 1, 2021. erowid.org/exp/111089

T+ 0:00
0.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 2:45 300 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 7:00   smoked Cannabis  
Most Amazing Experience of My Life

I'm a 22 year old male with previous experience of both LSD and MDMA. I have been taking MDMA on a semi regular basis for 2 years and I have taken LSD a number of times over the last 7 months. I have wanted to candyflip for a while and had made plans to do so at a music festival over the summer. Unfortunately my bag was stolen on the first night along with my drugs so that stopped that plan. Anyway I waited until a suitable time and decided that a local rave that's on every month would be the perfect place. I had a batch of acid that I had already tried before so I had a decent idea of what the dosage was. I took half a tab. I took the tab around 9 in the evening when all my other friends were drinking. They were all taking md but I would be the only one candyflipping. I also decided not to drink as I find it doesn't have any effect while on acid.

All other times I took acid it started to kick in within an hour. This time I wasn't really feeling much other than slight body shivers. I also started to feel a bit nervous. I told myself everything would be alright and got ready for the night ahead. We left in a taxi for the venue around 11 and on the journey in I started to feel a bit uncomfortable and strange. I still wasn't feeling any of what I would call positive effects of acid. I wasn't experiencing visuals or having a nice body high.

After we arrived at the venue all my friends got a drink and dropped pre-prepared bombs of MDMA. I had decided that I would wait 3 hours after taking the acid to take my MDMA
I had decided that I would wait 3 hours after taking the acid to take my MDMA
so I waited a bit longer.

During this time I was feeling uncomfortable and out of place. Around 11:30/45 I decided it was time to take my MDMA. I had prepared 2 bombs with 150mg in each one. As I was feeling so uncomfortable on the acid I decided that I wanted to come up on MDMA as soon as possible so instead of swallowing the bombs I chewed them up to get hit quicker. Pretty soon within 10 minutes I was feeling all the effects of the MDMA. I wasn't feeling anything from the acid and thought that maybe it wasn't evenly distributed on the blotter and I must not of taken as much as I thought. The uncomfortable feeling ended as I came up on the MDMA and I started to dance and enjoy myself.

Then suddenly around half 12 I felt the acid kick in. I was looking at a strobe light and it was like a switch in my body had been turned on. I was overcome with an immense sense of pleasure. It was so overwhelming I had to stop dancing and lean against a wall to get my breath. It was like nothing I had experienced in my life and was the most incredible feeling. The next 2 hours are a bit of a blur. I just remember feeling amazing and loving. I was feeling love for everybody but at the same time was happy in myself and didn't want to talk with people. I was dancing but still every now and then I had to stop because it felt like I was being overcome with this pleasure feeling.

The event ended at half 2 and we walked to a corner store to get water and ice cream. I was still feeling like I was in the rave and was trying to explain to my friends how incredible I felt. They were all starting to come down off the MDMA and wanted to go home so we did. I was still feeling pretty good but could sense the MDMA was wearing off.

We got home around 4 and rolled a few joints which we shared. This made me feel like I was coming down and I also felt pretty tired. By now I felt I was coming off both the acid and MDMA and decided it might be a good idea to try sleep. This was at about 5. When I went to bed as soon as I closed my eyes I started having intense closed eye visuals. It was really confusing as I kept seeing myself in the sitting room with my friends as we were a few minutes earlier. As well as the visuals it was a general feeling of being there. This happened a good few times I'm not really sure how many. But as soon as I opened my eyes I realized I was in bed. It was almost like I was going into a dream state as soon as I closed my eyes but with the ability to end it at any moment.

Eventually I did fall asleep and slept until around 11. I did wake a couple of times in between but find this very normal after taking MDMA.

I had a meeting for college at 12 so had to get up and shower and get ready. I find this is the best way to avoid a bad comedown as doing stuff prevents the negative thoughts that can sometimes happen after taking MDMA. For the next two days I felt pretty tired but other than that I felt good and would say that the positive effects of the night were well worth any side effects on a comedown.

I hope you enjoyed reading and that I managed to convey what an amazing experience this was for me. I look forward to trying this again some time in the future. I think at an outdoor music festival could be ideal.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111089
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 1, 2021Views: 910
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LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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