by AC
Citation:   AC. "Vibes: An Experience with Ashwagandha (exp111092)". Aug 30, 2018.

1300-3900 mg oral Ashwagandha (daily)
I’ve been taking 1300-3900 mg Ashwagandha with black pepper extract every day for several months now. With no diminishing effects and no withdrawals, this is a great way to boost my mood. This isn’t a strong drug; I don't catch a sick buzz off it. I notice its effects the most when meditating, and found that it gives a really nice body high. Throughout the day I’ve been noticing how nice the air feels on my skin and how beautiful the sky is more than usual. There’s definitely a marked effect on my well being, and I’ve been in a noticeably better mood since beginning it.

An all-around feel-good supplement, I have noticed that it synergizes well with kratom, St. John’s Wort, and Sam-E. Again, not very potent, but the effects are pleasant in the same way that opiates are, without the fogginess and disorientation.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111092
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Aug 30, 2018Views: 17,416
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Meditation (128), Ashwagandha (732) : Not Applicable (38), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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