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The Neverending Story That Must End
Heroin & Crack
Citation:   Frazzle. "The Neverending Story That Must End: An Experience with Heroin & Crack (exp111097)". May 23, 2018.

  IV Crack (liquid)
    IV Heroin (liquid)
Repeat. Ring, travel, wait, pay, recieve, pocket, travel, unravel, smoke, cook, suck, stab, plunge, sigh of relief, relax until... Repeat. Ring, travel, wait, pay, recieve, pocket, travel, unravel, smoke, cook, suck, stab, plunge, sigh of relief, relax until...

So many moments over the years. A rushed hand and a confused but 'happy for now' mind. Never quite at ease with ones life ways, finding shallow release into numb oblivion now and again. Always on edge from again and again being caught out suddenly waking into intense pain and discomfort - I must score to end this that I do abhor!

Meaning significance beauty mystery - words such as these robbed of content. But ready to spring back alive when chemicals have left the body. Having got that which promised to banish the agony, one almost relucts to indulge, as true life doth lie in the direction of abstinence past the unbearable yet nonetheless finite hours of supreme will (or would it be wisdom?) power.
There must come the day that heralds the cessation of this mindless burrowing into reckless, dull, life-starved caverns of morphine covered desires. Long term happiness requires a suspension temporary of short term comfort and shallow happiness. In thought it is a simple dilemma to solve but in the ever changing winds of day by day volition and mindsets the simplicity is easily lost-like a day dream melts away- and replaced by a ill thought out simplicity that demands to continue on in spite of the dangers. And return to the loop began at the first word of this note... Repeat...

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111097
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 23, 2018Views: 3,069
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Heroin (27), Crack (82) : General (1), Addiction & Habituation (10), Poetry (43), Not Applicable (38)

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