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The Hypnotic Files Shaped My Eidetic Images
Citation:   Kereszt. "The Hypnotic Files Shaped My Eidetic Images: An Experience with DXM (exp111100)". Nov 18, 2022.

810 - 820 mg oral DXM (liquid)
DXM and Sexual Feminization Hypnosis

DXM 9.4 mg/body kg (820 mg total)

I've been into sexual hypnosis since a few years ago. There is a small subculture of people who listen to hypnotic audios as a pastime, and according to Rules 34 and 35 of the Internet, that means many of these hypnotic audios are of a sexual nature -- BDSM themes are common, I guess due to the relationship of power dominance of the hypnotist over their servant. I found out about it maybe on 4chan or some website of that kind around 2007 or so, and my interest is due to the way hypnosis can allow you to live absolutely otherworldly sexual experiences. As it happens, one of the greatest mysteries for all men is how the female sex feels like, and I was no exception, so when I found out that there were hypnotic files that supposedly allowed you to experience female sexual arousal culminating with an orgasm, I immediately got into this kind of hypnosis.

After a while of listening to these files, I wondered if there could be any drugs that could enhance the hypnotic experience. A friend of mine could hook me up with some drugs, but on the last few times I hung out with him he just told us that his friend didn't have any, and I lost track of another friend who could get me some, so I decided to explore the legal alternative I could think of: DXM. After a good couple days of reading, I decided to get into the drug slowly and steadily.

I started out with a first plateau dose about 3 weeks ago, which just felt like being rather drunk but with my thoughts still in order, and it was pretty pleasant so I decided to go later for second plateau. My first second plateau turned out to be absolutely full of eidetic images, following mostly a theme where I felt my mind expanding and becoming one with the cosmos. I posted about it on 8chan's /hypno/ subforum, where someone turned out to be a pretty heavy DXM user (he actually told me about the so-called fifth plateau) and told me about a meditative exercise to control the hallucinations.

As I was reading it, I thought maybe just putting the hypnotic files could work, so I did it on my next second plateau trip. The result was actually awesome: this time, I could feel the absolutely delicious pleasure of female arousal as the hypnotic files shaped my eidetic images.

Having lived what a successful second plateau trip feels like, I thought: how would a third plateau trip feel? So one week after that second plateau trip, I decided to go for third plateau. My recount of the trip is as follows:

Trip description:

I am writing this to kill some time while the DXM I took about 5 minutes ago kicks in. I took about 270 ml @ 3 mg/ml, the entire dose at once. I took it on an empty stomach, with the last meal taken 9 hours prior to dosage. I took it sometime around 1:30 AM, pounding 2 bottles with the nose-pinch method. Ambient temperature was slightly cold.

Setting was my room, which is rather crowded with assorted items but otherwise orderly, lights off, computer fans turned to minimum, and listening to hypnotic audios on my smartphone, which is currently in silent mode; while the DXM kicked in, I was listening to melodic trance techno music, with dim lights on, in underwear only, occasionally looking at lewd anime drawings.

Mindset, from previous experiments with hypnotic audios at lower plateaus, was allowed to be whatever the hypnotic files brought me to. Choice of files was something along the lines of Kei's Mind Warp's non-permanent feminization files plus Sensitive Breasts. No files with permanent, long-lasting or radical transformations were included. I also arrived with the idea of trying to guide my mind into feeling as much of a female body as possible.

1:50: First plateau is starting to kick in. The music is starting to feel more pleasant, and I am starting to feel that itch I've felt the past few times I did DXM as I go further into the first plateau. I'm going to disengage from my computer, lie down on my bed, turn off the lights, put on my headphones but without the audios and look at anime lewds.

2:07: Second plateau kicked in while I was watching my phone on the bed.

2:15: Music starts taking a different 'texture'. That means I'm very well on second plateau.

2:17: Second plateau depthened. I considered it the time to start the hypnotic audios.

2:27: Eidetic images begin.

2:32: I got up to take a piss. I am still in second plateau. I double checked my dosage to ensure this is actually what I want, it's like 150% the previous dose and I calculated it off the FAQ so I can't be wrong. I am a little impatient about the third plateau. I notice I am typing a lot of 'I' statements. I was on the first few minutes of Mind Drug, I was going to use Horny Young Schoolgirl by EMG but that file conjures up a specific target image that is not the one I have in mind. I feel pretty great.

2:37: Second plateau is in full effect. During this whole time I made sure to look at pictures and listen to audios that put me in the right set and setting instead of just killing time while the DXM kicks in.
I made sure to look at pictures and listen to audios that put me in the right set and setting instead of just killing time while the DXM kicks in.
My keyboard feels 'towering' and low quality, this is the feeling I get when I am on this plateau in front of my computer. I am going to put the hypnosis on now. Third plateau is in sight.

Somehow, thinking in English is entirely natural to me at the moment. I am a native Spanish speaker and fluent in English, but my thoughts are usually in Spanish.

Disengaging from the computer now.

2:47: Hypnotically driven eidetic images begin. I got up from my bed and wrote this on my computer. Mind Drug begins warping my subconscious. I began putting the hypnosis on my headphones while on my computer.

2:55: Starting to feel what could be the departure from the second plateau. Holy shit, why does it have to take so long? (Post-trip note: I returned from this point to my bed.)

3:06: Sensitive Breasts is kicking in as I ascend further through DXM. I am 'waking up' about every 15 minutes or so. The sensation feels just the same as in previous trips.

3:16: I felt enough alteration in my thoughts to reassure me that I am going to the much awaited third plateau. Please, make it true. I even double checked my dose as much as my DXM brain could. (Post-trip note: While the DXM kicked in I felt rather anxious about the time it took me to reach third plateau. It took about 2 hours, probably from how long it takes DXM to be converted into DXO. At some point I even wondered if I would just stay in second plateau).

3:21: I decided to put old school techno on my computer. I love that music.

3:22 Reading my thoughts recollected on this file helps me make heads or tails of the clusterfuck I am living. Life is becoming a clusterfuck. My role in this world is to create order out of chaos. I am an agent of order in the chaos. AM I already on third plat?

3:25 Everything is so structured and perfect. I think I am on third plateau already. TAKE OFF.

this shit feels so metaphysical oh wow

(Post-trip note: This was when the third plateau indeed began. Recollections of the actual trip are rather vague, but the trip in general was very pleasant. My images were indeed mostly in line with sexual feminization and arousal. I couldn't really feel like having a female body, but the arousal was there, and many times I could feel like actually being in the scenes depicted by the hypnotic files.)

6:07: I am coming down from the trip. Holy shit, everything is confusing and diagonal...
everything is confusing and diagonal...

(Post-trip note: The comedown felt pretty bad. There was not enough DXM in my system to make me experience images, but still enough to make me feel heavily stoned. The result was a feeling of detachment from reality and heavily altered perception, i.e. everything bad about DXM with none of the good. I still managed to experience a few eidetic images I made sure to ride in order to kill time while the DXM wore off. At some points I thought that's how brain damage feels like; sometimes I wondered if I would stay like this forever, though looking at my clock and seeing just how less than 8 hours had passed since dosage did manage to calm me down.)

6:28: I still feel detached from reality. I get snapped back every now and then, but the DXM still is in effect. Everything feels distorted as fuck. I feel like typing on my keyboard causes a massive echo.

7:07: My grasp on reality is slowly recovering. Holy fuck, third plateaus are really strong as shit.

(Post-trip note: I fell asleep shortly after writing this line.)

3:41 PM: I am awake again, the DXM has faded away and I'm back in reality. I am completing what I didn't have time to finish writing regarding context and background at the beginning, and also completing it with some little points of progress I wrote on my phone. I feel slightly giddy, mostly fine.


At second plateau I get to experience enough eidetic images to make body-altering hypnosis a lot more immersive and potent, but at the same time my short-term memory is clear enough to let me remember the entire hypnotic session and the comedown is much more comfortable and less unpleasant than in a third plateau. The third plateau felt pleasant for me, but the few memories I could recollect and the unpleasant comedown make it a much less 'profitable' experience than hypnosis on a second plateau.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111100
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Nov 18, 2022Views: 1,069
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