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Rolling Energy
Citation:   RicerS. "Rolling Energy: An Experience with LSD (exp111129)". Nov 29, 2017.

T+ 0:00
5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 15:15 1 tablet oral Pharms - Alprazolam  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00   vaporized Cannabis  
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
So this is my first trip report but the intensity of the situation requires it I feel. So to start I managed to procure some really high quality 110ug blotters from the deep web and I had planned a cool trip night for me and a bunch of my friends. I’m going to use false names to protect the identity of the people involved. It was I, landon, jesse, spencer, Jordan, Elliot, randy, spencer, and dean. At around 9:45pm I arrived at the trip spot (landons house) and all my friends were there eager to have a cool acid experience, This was landons and elliots first time.

I had planned in advance to take a really high dose because I wanted to have some revelations and ultimately ego death. The dosages were Elliot-1 tab landon-2 tabs Jesse- 4 tabs dean-2 tabs Jordan-1 tab and I did 5.

So we all dropped and everything was going good and flowing smoothly and oh boy did I start to feel it. Around an hour in someone requested I pull my car forward but the visuals were so intense when I stepped outside I was honestly impressed, when I sat down in the drivers seat of my car j glanced in the mirror and saw one of the street lights behind me and saw it swirl and there was a strong tracer. At that point I decided that this was a poor decision and I had misjudged the intensity of the acid I had just took, so I hopped out of the car and asked Jordan to back it up for me.

The problem I knew I was about to run into was flow, I knew I would be relied upon to keep it flowing nicely for the group but I knew I wouldn’t be able to provide for much longer
I knew I would be relied upon to keep it flowing nicely for the group but I knew I wouldn’t be able to provide for much longer
so on my way back in I took some really deep breaths and paced myself for a potential anxiety nightmare. When I got back inside everything was still going good, Elliot and randy were sitting there playing madden having a good time and then the visuals and mindfuck hit me so super super hard, I honestly wasn’t anticipating it. I'm a pretty experienced psychonaut and I'm aware that LSD is a pretty malleable substance if you know how to work with it, but damn, the situation became really anxious and tense. Randy had a really bad trip and he thought someone died and he was super anxious but somehow I never even noticed and I feel really bad about that. I kept looking up and I thought the situation was just normal and I was just too tripped out to comprehend but in reality everybody else in the group was equally as anxious as me.

Landon was unable to handle LSD, LSD isn’t necessarily or everybody and I don’t put any blame on him but he seriously was unable to keep track of thoughts, I'm unsure exactly what happened but there was a really anxious situation and he thought everyone was against him and he got super hostile toward everyone in the room and he ended up projectile vomiting on the floor and just leaving the room to go lay down and at that point shit got crazy. Spencer thought somebody died and was freaking the fuck out and ended up laying down just so he could be out of this mess. In my head I was flying through other lifetimes following an energy beam, the term “rolling” comes to mind to perfectly describe what I was feeling I swear I lived other lives during that time frame where I was following that energy beam around, the visuals were so intense that I didn’t know which reality was the real one.

At that point I just decided to ride it out and see what happens, there was music playing with a good baseline in the background of the room and there was a bong being passed around but I was way too trippy to understand that. I slightly came back to reality for a second and Elliot walked over to me and lit the bong for me and man was that the most majestic thing I had ever seen, I don’t know why but just that sight of him lighting that and me killing it with the bass dropping in the background was one of the most intense things I had ever felt, after I came down enough to be back in reality the vibes in the room were awesome. Landon was back and everybody was vibing and smoking bud, I had my vape out and we were chain vaping.

There was a moment where randy sat next to me and tried to talk to me but I didn’t notice he was in distress and now I feel bad about it because he has a negative outlook on us all. Me and jesse decided to go outside for a little bit to see what everything looked like and it was still so visually intense that it was hard to handle so we went back inside and got some drinks and chilled for a little bit. Something to know about landon is that he always just kind of has this edge to him, like hes hiding something or he has something balled up inside so I tried to talk to him about it, just to strike some good conversation and explain to him that nobody here hates him and the anxiety was just caused by him being in the middle of it. But he just wasn't having it and he thought we all hated him. He instantly showered me with hostility and the whole vibe got anxious again and it became really shitty. So me jesse and dean decided to go outside once again and just sit and chill. Dean is usually anxious in his day to day life, he expressed this to me a while back but I figured if he really wanted to trip I'd involve him in it too, but this wasn’t a good plan. While we were sitting outside dean just kept being super anxious and it rubbed off on jesse pretty bad and at that point he got really scared and confused. I went back in the house and laid on the couch and watched futurama but jesse just kept going in and out of the house looking really worried about something.

Eventually I came outside and saw him sitting in his car damn near to the point of tears, he needed to be home really soon but the drugs still had us both seeing so visually intense that driving would be a huge task. I tried everything I could to keep him from leaving but I know how this goes so eventually I took the plunge and stopped trying to convince him from leaving. I was really worried about jesse, I didn’t want him to crash his beloved car or get a dui or even worse die, but I put my faith in him and just laid on the couch super anxious for about an hour thinking about how I'll forever have that on my conscience. I shot jesse a text at around 11am and asked if he got home alright and his exact words were “yeah dude how the fuck did I not die” and at the moment a huge grin hit my face and I was almost put into tears over the amount of weight that was pulled off my shoulders.

Around 1 everybody was still asleep and my visuals had worn mostly off but there was still a really heavy body load and I was ready for the drugs to be gone. I hopped in my car and drove back to my house to grab a Xanax I had stashed for the purpose and popped it, about 10 minutes later I felt a lot better. After that I went to hang out with another friend of mine and we smoked a little cannabis and I went back home drank some orange juice and passed out hardcore. I slept for 18 hours but oh man did I need that.

Overall my experience was good because I finally experienced ego death and saw that rolling energy I've always read about but it was super exhausting, I'm at the point where I've accomplished all I had ever hoped to accomplish on LSD and I think I'm gonna stop with it for now and explore the peaks of shrooms. Overall 10/10

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111129
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Nov 29, 2017Views: 954
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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