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Original Intentions Were to Have a Fun Time
Citation:   Lobanchi. "Original Intentions Were to Have a Fun Time: An Experience with 2C-B (exp111155)". Dec 7, 2017.

1 line insufflated 2C-B (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
One night I was bored in my apartment, no other roommates had moved in yet so I decided to snort some 2cb and have a little fun. This was my first time trying the substance (have tried, acid, k, mushrooms, dmt, mdma countless times in the past) and my intentions were to just get a little trippy, listen to music and play some videogames. From what I had read online before my first 2cb experience, 2cb isn’t supposed to be a spiritual enlightening psychedelic, but boy was I wrong (especially at this dosage xD). I did not keep track of time during my trip but it began at approximately 11pm and ended at 2:30 am.

My original intentions were to take a little bump of 2cb and have a fun time. However, I poured out too much and noticed over a third of my 300mg bag was gone. I said “fuck it” and railed that motherfucker without second guessing my decision.

The moment I finished railing that line, my brain was in instant pain, as if somebody stabbed a pen up my right nostril, through the crown of my head and poured baking soda through the hole. I didn’t notice any effects instantly but I was fighting the pain by grabbing my head and headbanging around my room to fight off the adrenaline. About five minutes later, my walls started bleeding with dark patterns which looked like the scales of a dragon from hell.

Shortly after my trip began, I blacked out in my hallway
Shortly after my trip began, I blacked out in my hallway
and entered this DMT-like headspace and everything about the universe made so much sense but made no sense at the same time. It was like I was figuring out how life beyond human beings functioned with the universe. When I woke up, I let go of many grudges I had been holding for the past year and instantly felt like a changed man.

This was only the beginning of my enlightening experience and I had another good 2 hours of pure insanity before I was able to recuperate myself. At this point I was in a state of mind that was similar to a Jedi flip experience I had about a year before this trip. However, this time the headspace was more dark and revolved much less on my life and revolved more around time and evolution.

I was laying on my bed with filthy ass dubstep playing as I saw this Martian holding his palms out with a physical form of time laying on its hands. It showed how quick human beings are operating on their daily lives just to conform with society’s standards. It made me very nauseous, resulting me in running to my bathroom and throwing up everywhere but into the toilet.

This incident killed my trip a little bit at first but I decided to let go any stress I felt, sit outside my restroom hallway and ride out the rest of my trip.

I kept telling myself I never want to be like many of society's sheeple, and I can achieve my personal goals at my own pace through the power of time, patience, and dedication.

I wouldn’t consider this a bad trip nor a good trip but a trip that I needed. There were moments when I was able to let my thoughts flow in and moments where I had to challenge my own mind.

It’s been about 16 months ever since this trip. I’ve never been able to look at humans the same way again after this trip but not in any good nor bad way. I get intense flashbacks of my visuals pretty often but that has greatly reduced after a 6 month break from psychedelics. I recently broke my psychedelic sobriety by experimenting with 2cb for my second time and absolutely loved it. I have done 2cb for a total of 4 times now (20mg orally ingested each time after my first trip) and have been able to enjoy the drug at a much more respectable dosage.

Before now, I’ve only shared this experience with a few close friends who are Into psychedelics just as much as I am. They always ask if I would ever do it again. My response is: Fuck yeah!

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 111155
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Dec 7, 2017Views: 2,123
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2C-B (52) : Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Post Trip Problems (8), General (1), Alone (16)

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