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I Should Not Have Done This
Citation:   Mr. Stoned. "I Should Not Have Done This: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp11116)". Jul 30, 2019.

200 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
Yesterday I was reading some experience reports online about how you can get 'high' off Benadryl and decided to give it a shot. I was home by myself for the whole day. I am not the type of person who gets scared easily, it takes quite alot to get me frightened and I have no phobias. I have taken Nitrous a few times, pot plenty of times, DXM once, and lsd once. I enjoyed all previous drug experiences. I was originally going to take 250mg but decided it would be better to take just 200mg instead. Man am I glad I didn't take the 250mg.

After about 45 minutes my whole body started to feel very heavy. Thinking how cool it would be trying to walk around like this, I got up only to fall back down on the couch. I got back up by holding onto the coffee table, and staggered into the dining room. This is when it started to go down hill.

After a few minutes of being in the dining room I heard a hissing noise, which startled the hell out of me so I went back to the couch to sit down. Then I started to hear whispering and voices that sounded like they were laughing at me. I started getting scared shitless. I kept seeing things dart by out of the corners of my eyes, but when I looked nothing was there. The voices started to get louder and I curled up in a ball in the corner of the couch yelling to make the voices stop. They wouldn't go away. I kept trying to remind myself that I'm on a drug and it would go away soon, but it didn't help. I was extremely paranoid.

I needed to take a piss so I got up and made my way to the bathroom, despite the terrifying voices I kept hearing. On my way to the bathroom I kept looking behind me making sure there wasn't anything there.

While taking my piss I kept looking behind myself to make sure nothing was going to creep up on me. I looked in the shower and there was my best friend Zac grinning at me, holding a gun in his hand. I could not tell this was a fake hallucination, I thought he was really there. I tried to punch him but when I did he disappeared. Meanwhile the voices continued to get louder. Tears started running down my face, I was terrified.

I tried to get back to the couch but I kept hearing whispering behind me so I only made it as far as the kitchen when I grabbed a butcher knife off the counter and pressed my back against a nearby wall, and curled up in the corner. The voices where scaring me shitless and I kept seeing things out of the corners of my eyes. I was screaming for everything to stop and briefly thought the only way out was suicide. I almost slit my wrists, until I remembered I was on a drug and to just hang in there.

After about 4 hours, everything was over, but I was left extremely paranoid. I put the butcher knife on the counter and lent back against the wall and cried.

About an hour later my dad got home and I was calm. After dinner I went right to bed.

So here I am the next day writing about my experience.

It was emotionally terrifying, here I am at the keyboard the next day still shaking. It wasn't at all fun.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11116
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 30, 2019Views: 2,826
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Diphenhydramine (109) : First Times (2), Bad Trips (6), Alone (16)

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