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Vivid Hallucinogenic Colors...
Citation:   typdef UBYTE. "Vivid Hallucinogenic Colors...: An Experience with Cannabis (exp11124)". Jul 10, 2019.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
      Unknown (daily)
At the time this experience occurred, I was relatively new to cannabis. I only did it once before, and I didn't really get much out of it (basically I felt kinda good and acted really stupid). However, this experience shaped my entire perspective of cannabis.

I was pretty unenthusiastic about smoking marijuana, for reasons previously described. But I decided to give it a try for kicks. Me and my buds (pun) walked outside to a 'safe place' (i.e., no prying neighbors or parents) with our patented 'apple pipe' (we were all new to it, so it's all we had). I inhaled around 5 hits of medium, over-priced marijuana. Felt good, but definitely not euphoric. We decided it was safe to walk back to the house and do the rest in the back yard. On the way back, one of my friends (I'll call him 'Jake'), for a split second, appeared to be dressed up as a clown. I decided it was hilarious enough to share it with him, so I sputtered 'Hey... Jake... You need to be a... CLOWN.' My friends (not as stoned as I) were obviously laughing AT me, instead of with me. Another note, my face and throat were numb... I'm not sure if this is a normal reaction or not, just thought I'd share.

We went back to the yard and smoked the rest. As I pulled out a bud, my friend examined it and exclaimed 'Dude... This is the beginning of a chronic bud!' (Wether it was or not, I'm not sure.) Anyway, I proceeded to take two more hits. Afterword my mind felt like it was at the peak of a roller coaster, ready to fall down the first hill. It was a very intense euphoria. Soon I began to see colors... All I could see was yellow with red specks. It took me a second or two to regain my vision. I could hardly mumble '...the colors...', but I managed to. Jake's eyes appeared to bulge; I said he had buggy eyes. We passed the pipe around two more times, each time it was harder to actually inhale. After my ninth inhale, no matter how hard I tried, I could not find the hole in the 'pipe', so my friends determined that I was too fucked up for any more weed. We then walked in the house and sat down.

When I sat down, I still felt that roller coaster sensation. The euphoria I was experiencing increased at the same rate a roller coaster falls! It was extremely intense, and so I panicked slightly for a minute until I finally just sat back and accepted it. It was this time I decised the theory that the mind is an echo inside your head. Individual thoughts themselves were just echoes. I probably stated this because that's how thought itself felt; my mind felt like an echo you would hear inside a large cave. (Sorry, this is the best I can describe it.) Speech wasn't self-controlled, it was automatic. I simply could not control it, words just came out of my mouth. (Perhaps it triggered a dissociative effect?) This sensation increased for at least 10 more minutes, but I went to sleep so it could have lasted even longer.

Anyway, I think that's the most intense high I've ever experienced with Mary Jane. I don't know what exactly triggered it either... And going by other accounts, it doesn't appear to be a normal reaction. My only explanation is that I take certain medication for seizures, but then why wouldn't it occur every time I do it?

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11124
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 10, 2019Views: 549
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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