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Novel Chemical Not So Novel Effects
Citation:   brokenphone. "Novel Chemical Not So Novel Effects: An Experience with Fluclotizolam (exp111261)". Oct 4, 2022.

I received some fluclotizolam blotters and was extremely excited to try this new chemical out as I had not even tried a benzo in almost a entire year. I have vast experience with many different benzodiazipines and I was very curious how this one would rank next to etizolam.

7:00 I ingested the first blotter (.5mg) around seven and within minutes the anti-anxiety effects began to work. However this led to being a little misleading as the relaxation other benzo effects do not start to really develop for another half hour. I couldn't feel to much more of the drug increasing and I ended up redosing two more times that night, each time one blotter about a hour and a half in between. No loss of memory and very little loss of coordination during this experience and I went to bed around one in the morning.

No after effects noticed in the morning, around 3 that afternoon I decided to try two doses (1mg) instead. Effects are again starting within minutes and they are more pronounced, but not what I though they would be. After waiting two hours with no increase in effects (or at least noticeable) I take two blotters again (1mg) and wash them down with a hard cider (6%). After the cider I was pretty buzzed for the one beer, and two blotters added a little memory loss into play, which for me, after being let down so far almost seemed like a small upside. That night I ended up falling asleep after redosing ten tabs (5mg) over the course of ten hours, only had the one beer, any more alcohol and I know I was already to close to blackout point.

Today is my final test before I put it under my "it helps with sleep and base anxiety" category. I took 4 blotters (2 mg) at once. Fifteen minutes later the anti anxiety effects coupled with relaxation is much more, again the effects are more pronounced, but nothing noteworthy over the next few hours will not be trying again.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111261
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Oct 4, 2022Views: 999
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