I Couldn’t Get Myself Sober Nor Could I Hide It
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   whiskey_wonder. "I Couldn’t Get Myself Sober Nor Could I Hide It: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp111297)". Erowid.org. May 4, 2018. erowid.org/exp/111297

  2 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Lsd gone wrong

My first experience. I did not know the standard dosage nor did I care, I just want to see what I’ve never seen before. At the time I was used to doing shrooms at least every other day with the dosage at least a half oz of blue caps at a time so I wanted to try something different. My best friend and I happened to get a hold of a guy and we ended up getting what we wanted. He was two years older than I was and the same body weight. We took the tabs then drove back to my house.

Expecting it to hit us roughly 10-20 minutes after we got there because it wasn’t that far. At first we were in my room when it started. We both could see the walls pulse but as soon as we tried to explain what was going on it made a different pattern. Then we turned on my occulting fan and we could see the wind blowing, we looked around and started to see the posters melt along the wall. My closet door was open and some of the coat hangers got smaller while others got larger. Some were flipping around one way while others the other. All this was simultaneously happening. Light couldn’t be perceived correctly. It came and went like my eyes didn’t know the direction or origin. I could see demon figures on my walls. When I got to paint my room I wanted bright lime green because colors have an effect on your mind and I wanted my mind to be active. Wrong choice. With weed or alcohol I could talk myself our of being impaired, but not with this. I couldn’t get myself sober nor could I hide it. I told my mom what we were going to be doing before because she was a hippie growing up and we felt like we needed someone experienced to be around. Worst decision ever. She was messing with us and put on a scary costume thinking it was funny. It wasn’t. We freaked out and ran outside. Even worst decision. It was a full moon and me neighbor was playing, what sounded like some demonic ass music. We freaked out even more as we started to see the trees surround my house sway back and forth touching the ground leaving holes in the ground where demons came out. We saw flashing lights so we thought the police found out and came to arrest us. Lucky it was my brother headlights but at the time we didn’t know and sprinted back inside. For the next few hours I can’t tell you what happened or what I saw because nothing was real.

Before we took it I told my mother and my brothers so they would know and my little brother ended ups recording us for a bit. The reason I can’t tell you is because I don’t even know myself. I watched the video over and over again and I still can’t remember what I was seeing but it didn’t look like I enjoyed it. Eventually he left and my dog came into my room. I think that saved me honestly. She was the only thing that didn’t change and it felt amazing to pet her. And she’s a kisser so she just kept licking us and it tickled so much that we couldn’t stop laughing. After my mom found us back in my room she escorted us to mu little brothers room, which had blue walls, and brought us a glass of water, which me immediately spilled. It engulfed the whole room and at that point we stripped down to our boxers and we started swimming. We put on tv and everything that was on had to do with life or death. For a solid 30 minutes we flipped over 300 channels on direct tv until we called it quits. At this point we thought we were going to die. Can’t tell you what happened the next few hours because its still a blur. We hit a couple bong rips to help mellow us out but I feel like it only made it more intense.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
Next thing I remember we were driving his car because we wanted to go get milk shakes. I’m not sure what happened but that was the best part of the trip. For some reason it was a terrible trip for me. I was having a great day before hand, and leading up to the event I was in a great mood. I’m just not sure if its how much I did or the type, which I heard theres different types after the fact, but overall I didn’t enjoy it. I still did shrooms after the fact but I was scared of psychedelics so I didn’t do more than a gram. It ruined it for me. I tried a couple times after that with half of what I did and it was worse, than the third time I did lsd I did an 8th of what I did the first time and it still made me have a bad trip. So after that I started to get little spurts of the walls breathing or the ceilings pulsating but only for a split second. Three years down the road and if I stare at the ceiling ling enough it will condense real quick then go back to normal. Now, near the end of 2017 the only thing I’ve done since then is drink and blow maybe twice a year. For some reason I can’t even smoke anymore.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 111297
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 4, 2018Views: 835
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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