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The Devil's Script
Citation:   Emily Jones. "The Devil's Script: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp111327)". Apr 15, 2020.

T+ 0:00
400 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 150 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 250 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 7:30 2 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam  
I have done LSD, shrooms, DMT, 25-i, 25-c, and many others but Benadryl does not compare. Both my friend and I took different dosages (her 500 mg. and me 800mg.). I realize now that taking such a high dosage was a really bad idea, especially because I went into the trip knowing how scary and creepy it can get.

8:00 PM- Both my friend and I take 400 (16 pills) mg. We are both in an optimistic mindset, kind of curious and nervous at the same time. Not feeling anything for awhile. So, I take another 6 pills (150 mg) which puts me at 550 mg. She takes another 4 pills (100 mg). and then I took another 10 pills (250mg) in a matter of 30-45 minutes. I should NOT have taken the last 250 mg of the Benadryl
I should NOT have taken the last 250 mg of the Benadryl
, I remember knowing I shouldn’t have about 15 minutes later when an impending sense of doom washed over everything in the room.

9:00 PM- Everything is dark and shadows are way more defined. My body feels extremely heavy and we both started to feel tired so we decide to walk up to my room (we go to a college and tripped in her dorm, and my room). So, we went up three flights of stairs to my room, and I remember being so scared to turn the corner because I thought someone would be standing on the stairs. No one was there. I was hearing voices and footsteps already which freaked me out. I remember I kept turning around and saying “what?” to my friend and she would say she didn’t say anything.

9:30PM- I was lying on my bed and she was sitting in the chair in my room. We decide to roll a joint so she starts to do that and I put on music. I loved the sound of music, especially ones with high BPM and rhythm, but that's the only enjoyable experience about my trip. We walk down the stairs again and I feel extremely heavy/drowsy. I didn’t see the point in staying up but decided to give it a try so we smoked the joint and a cigarette.

10:00 PM- Smoking a cigarette outside with my friend and we both start to feel a body high. Like the ground was floating up and gravity was only working on our bodies. I also felt like everything was so scary and creepy, the trees and everything around me looked ominous. This was when things started going downhill. We went inside to her suite and into her room.

10:30 PM- I suggested we do yoga, because for 5 minutes I stared off in to space and talked to someone that wasn’t even there. She agreed, so we went down on the floor and started stretching. Her carpet is a black shag rug, so all I see when I open my eyes are these huge spiders all around us. I get up very quickly because my heart almost stopped (I am terrified of spiders). She asked me what was wrong and I said I saw a spider and she got freaked out. We decided to put our feet in the bathtub and feel the warm water (by this point we were really out of it so don’t judge our decisions).

11:00 PM- We’re dipping our feet in warm water, I look over at my friend and she is zoning out and then says she sees three spiders crawling across the floor. This scares me, so I suggest we just try to lay down and sleep or take a nap. So that's what we tried to do. She was looking at her phone but I was in my own personal hell with spiders literally everywhere I looked.
I was in my own personal hell with spiders literally everywhere I looked.
Since I was on such a higher dosage everything turned into a spider if I looked at it hard enough.

11:30 PM- Her suite mates were playing guitar hero so we thought we would sit on the couch in the common room and watch. I had my feet up on the couch because I felt as though spiders would crawl up my legs. She was doing the same thing. It was so hard to talk to anyone in clear sentences and I felt almost drunk. People eventually just stopped asking us questions because we were clearly scared. We couldn’t really handle it for a long time because I remember feeling kind of sick and like I wanted to lay down, so we went to her bed and laid down. All I remember is shutting my eyes and when I opened them there would be dozens of black, brown and white spiders all over her room. It was terrifying. I hated it so much I wanted it to just be over and I kept getting mad at myself that I even took it to begin with. Anyway, she fell asleep and I decided to walk back to my room and go to my own bed. This was a horrible decision because at this point I could not separate what wasn’t there with reality. I was COMPLETELY delirious. Having conversations with people that would disappear minutes later or just talking to little people in my head. I would realize ten minutes later that there isn’t anyone there and I’m talking to a lamp or a chair. I finally made it to my room.

11:45 PM- I'm back in my room and it was very difficult to walk up three flights of stairs. I kept dodging spiders and saw lights/heard whispers all around me. When I say whispers, I mean terrifying shrill voices that seem very threatening, but I'm so high I don't really care. Plus, every 5 seconds I forgot what was even happening. So I’m back in my hallway and open my door and outside my window (I live on the third floor and there is a balcony/roof thing outside my window) there was a figure. My blinds were up and I freaked out, closed my eyes, and shut the blinds. I still felt as though someone was out there, but put on music and distracted myself. I was trying to text some of my other friends but I literally couldn’t see because I had such blurry vision when looking at things up close. I didn’t know what to do, I was kind of freaking out, so I decide to take a shower.

12:15 PM- I'm in the shower, the bathroom felt super creepy when I walked into it but I decide to take a shower anyway. By the way, this is a hallway bathroom for my floor, so people walk in and out of the bathroom sometimes when you’re showering. So I washed my body and when I turned around there was a shadow RIGHT outside the shower curtain. There were also shoes behind the shower curtain, so it looked as if someone was actually just standing there. I almost screamed but knew I couldn’t because it was kind of late already. I just stood there wondering what to do for a good minute and then decided to just open the curtain really fast. So I did and nothing was there but straight in front of the shower there is a mirror and I saw myself in the reflection and just remember it not being me. It was some demon looking creature with a devilish smile and HUGE white eyes. Basically, I was going crazy. I didn’t know what to do, but I’ve done so many other drugs before and I’ve never felt this way.

12:30 AM- I quickly rushed back into my room, avoiding any mirrors or potential things that could turn into spiders. Mind you, I live in a single room on my campus so I don’t have a roommate or anyone to check on me. This was a little intimidating when I first entered the room but I still did it anyway. I started to play on my laptop but kept forgetting what I wanted to do, got frustrated and gave up. I put on music and listened to that for a good 15 minutes and then some weird shit starts going down. All my furniture was moving and I kept seeing things in the corner of my eye but they would disappear. The door to my room was locked and you can’t see the door from my bed. I heard it crash open and also heard crunching, almost like a car crash. My heart dropped, because I actually felt something standing in the little hallway in my room. I couldn’t bring myself to look for a good 30 minutes but I kept hearing strange noises.

1:00 AM- I decide to look in the hallway, there is a very tall, bald man standing in front of my door with white eyes. He reminds me of who I saw in the mirror in the bathroom. My heart sinks again, I feel as if I’m in a horror movie. I couldn’t distinguish reality from dreams and thought these things were actually happening. I threw a book at the man and he just disappeared right before my eyes. I felt insane. I've never felt a more genuine fear in my life than when I was coming up and peaking on Benadryl. When the man disappeared, I heard something outside my window again, as if someone was pacing the balcony outside. The footsteps were vivid and sounded as if they were happening in my head. I also saw a shadow through the slits in my blind matching up with the footsteps, I dove under my bed and grabbed my laptop. Scared about this man and everything else happening, I decide to try and text my friend who fell asleep. She answers me and I'm telling her that I'm really scared and weird stuff keeps happening, so she comes to my room.

1:30 AM- She is in my room with me which felt really good. I felt comforted and having a familiar person with me was nice. She says she's not tripping anymore but I told her everything that happened and she started to see spiders again. I found this interesting because the first time I saw a spider and told her, she saw some after me. I feel like I triggered her hallucination by telling her about mine. Anyway, while she was in my room, another man walks in my room and just stands behind her. I asked her if she was really there, she replied yes, then I asked if the man was actually there, she said “what man?” I told her there was a man right behind her and she kept telling me there was no man, then he just evaporated into thin air. It was so creepy and unsettling. We sat and talked for what felt like a good two hours, not tripping and definitely feeling better than we did earlier. We were still out of it but not as scared anymore.

3:30 AM- When we both felt like we were in a better place, we walked down to her suite and sat in her common room. No spiders, no people, just the creepy haze. I definitely was out of the worst part of my trip at this point, and I was so happy. Also, my Xanax dealer was up so I bought five bars which were 2 mg each. We both took one bar each (2mg per person) and felt so much better.

4:00 AM- The Xanax kicked in and we feel so much better, we decide to drive to a diner and get food before my 8:30 Am class. So we drove to the diner and got food. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
I felt so dirty and unhealthy from the Benadryl trip. The whole next day was just foggy and drowsy, it wasn’t until the next night that I got great sleep and felt somewhat sober. It's been about 4 days since we tripped on DPH and I can honestly still say I feel weird. It's a looming head high.

All I know is, this drug is so scary and I was living in a personal nightmare for about five to six hours. This is coming from a person thinking “I won’t see spiders or shadow people like everyone else” and that's exactly what happened. Please, for the sake of your sanity, don’t do this drug. It brought my friend and I closer because of how scared we were and no one else can relate that we tell the stories to.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111327
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Apr 15, 2020Views: 1,392
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Diphenhydramine (109) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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