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Insufflated and Vaped
Citation:   ResearchForUhScience. "Insufflated and Vaped: An Experience with 3-FEA (exp111413)". Feb 1, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  vaporized 3-Fluoroethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:10 20 mg insufflated 3-Fluoroethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:30 20 mg insufflated 3-Fluoroethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:45   vaporized 3-Fluoroethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:40   vaporized 3-Fluoroethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:30   smoked Cannabis  
Here’s my first experience with 3-FEA, having experience with various other rc’s and most drugs short of about meth and heroin.

Well it’s Christmas Eve morning and still have all shoppin to do to make Christmas dinner tomorrow and get wrapping paper and versions other things. Decided I’d start morning off with a small push to get me up and going, was planning on trying 3-fea for first time orally. But decided I just wanted a shorter high to start morning before I had to be out doing stuff today so it had time to wear off. Will test it separately at different times through oral, insufflated, and vaped at times on their own. I probably have a bit of tolerance here as well as I used a medium amount of 3-FA on Monday and a few weeks before that a medium to high amount of 4-FMA so don’t take everything here as what you will get if your tolerance as 0 but here’s my experience.

T 0:00 - 10-20mg vaped off foil (eye balled based on doses that were measured)
T 0:10 - 20mg insufflated (weighed)
T 0:30 - 20mg insufflated (weighed)
T 1:45 - 20+mg vaped through sweet puff oil pipe (eyeballed)
T 3:40 - 20-30mg vaped off foil (eyeballed)

T -0:00 - so I had weighed out 40mg and separated it into two lines roughly 20mg each on a mirror and set to side, based on this (I don’t ever recommend eyeballing) I placed between 10-20mg (probably closer to 20) on foil and vaped it, I normally use an oil pipe and prefer that however I am good with using foil with little to no waste and rarely any burnt and am able to achieve a bigger hit at once off foil so decide to use foil this time first.

T 0:05 - felt an instant rush which was very nice and a lot more than I expected, this chemical can definitely be vaped and be worth it.

T 0:10 - still feeling very nice off of vaped amount and proceed to insufflate one 20mg line, little to no burn very smooth.

T 0:25 - have gentle body stimulation feel nice, going to insufflate further 20mg line (no bad drip at this point as others have stated but drinking a cup of tea so maybe not noticing it).

T 0:30 - insufflate further 20mg line, was very tempted to vape it instead as got such a nice pleasant rush that way but decided to stick to plan, used other nostril, little to no burn, no sign of a drip, when I stood up to go over to my little mini mirror and snuff kit I had the line set up on there was a pleasant tingle throughout my body.

T 0:45 - nothing new as of yet, it’s time I got up tho and started with what I need to do today tho.

T 1:00 - first sign of drip, aye it’s not nice but not horrible, nothin a little sip of tea or whatever I'm drinkin won’t get me past still just same amount of stimulation, nice and helpin me get my dad started off accompanied by nice sense of well being.

T 1:30 - still just pleasant feeling and nice stimulation, shops open in an hour so decided I would prepare about 20+mg (eye balled) in my sweet puffs oil pipe for one last push before I head out so add 3-FEA to pipe and melt it down then allow to cool and recrystallise (what I would do with pretty much every substance each time).

T 1:45 - Vape to 20+mg out of pipe, pipes a bit dirty which makes it a bit difficult and very disappointed with hits I’m getting from pipe vs foil although still enjoying it.

T: 2:00 - Finish vaping it from pipe, was more difficult due to pipe being dirty but even with that think I would definitely prefer foil with it either way tho cause bigger hit gave better rush, also leaves a crusty grey residue in pipe just dirtying it further, immediately after tho feel strong stimulation that eases down to a pleasant stimulation after about 10 minutes.

T: 2:05 - shops open now so decide I’ll have one last smoke from foil today (not at this minute) as my pipe left me a bit disappointed, load 20-30mg onto foil and melt it down and leave it waiting for me coming back from shopping.

T: 3:30 - back from shopping got all I needed so have my one last smoke off foil for a boost while I wrap presents and that, this will be my final dose as can’t be flyin all day need to go up my fiancés parents house tonight which is why I’ve been using them ROAS rather than oral as I knew I didn’t wanna be on it all day.

T: 3:40 - just finished vaping the 20-30mg off foil and the hit was far better, strong stimulation, eyes almost feel a bit twitchy and very nice pleasant euphoria, this will be my last redose and now it’s time for me to start gettin everything done around house I need to do today and wrap presents and that. So will monitor effects and when I get a chance fill out the rest of the report.

T: 4:30 - was left with bit of stimulation that slowly faded off, would near enough call myself back to baseline but still bit stimulated, got everything I needed to do today done so going to lay back and smoke a bit of green and chill out and conclude the trip report at that.

Conclusion - First experience with 3-FEA and will definitely be experimenting further with it, a simple only oral dose will be up next at some point, picked vaping and insufflating to reduce time of effects and because I wasn’t planning on taking anything today as it was, insufflated seemed to be a bit of a let down although it was after vaping it which had very nice results so will try again all separately at some point. As I said I did probably have a bit of tolerance so this likely had a bit of an effect on it.

Today was unplanned and possibly will be regretted as I’m going to a rave in 3 days here and plan on taking MDMA and a small amount of 4-FMA with it so will likely have diminished effects then due to it. But to sum it up, 3-FEA was definitely worth a try.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111413
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Feb 1, 2018Views: 5,826
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3-Fluoroethamphetamine (786) : Alone (16), Performance Enhancement (50), General (1)

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