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My Apologies To The Huge Face In The Center
Citation:   minso. "My Apologies To The Huge Face In The Center: An Experience with DMT (exp111450)". Erowid.org. Jan 22, 2018. erowid.org/exp/111450

I did smoke dmt several times, but I don't get to experience what most people share in terms of profoundness. For me, it's just some geometrical patterns, presence of entities, love and peace. It's like being in a dream state. So what's the big deal about this stuff? I can experience these through meditation.

Then one day, I decided to give it a try again, and prepared some questions. It hit me real hard. I was literally blasted into hyperspace. It was extremely terrifying. It's like being dead and yet alive. I went numb and was brought into an alien world that is geometrical, mechanical, but living. There were colours of red, orange and yellow. I apologized to the dmt world for trivialising this stuff. All the questions that I think that I wanted to ask suddenly became irrelevant in this dmt world. I think that there is a huge face like of a human right in the center, but I could not see its face. I could not explain this weirdness. It's like it's there, but not there. I am terrified. It's not that the being is hostile, but the environment is alien and new, and nothing I've ever seen in my life. The being in fact was silent, and didn't utter anything.

Gradually, the effects subsided. I could see strange bluish cities with lights as I recede from the place.

I opened my eyes, and utter the word 'Wow'! That was truly an eye opener, and an experience that I never had. My skepticism disappeared. It's like not believing in the effects of dmt, thinking that I'm immune to it, or that it brings only a dream like state, and then, wham, I was brought in front of it right in my face in a blast.

Seriously, my perception changed. I think there really is an alien world that one has to experience it to believe it. It's no longer a dream like experience, where one's imagination plays tricks. It is a very intense, real and vivid experience.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111450
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 22, 2018Views: 845
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DMT (18) : General (1), Entities / Beings (37), Unknown Context (20)

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