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Testing Red Yopo
Anadenanthera peregrina
Citation:   A-braxas. "Testing Red Yopo: An Experience with Anadenanthera peregrina (exp111458)". Mar 8, 2018.

10 seeds insufflated Anadenanthera peregrina (ground / crushed)
At the end of the year I decided to try some yopo seeds that I bought at my local distributor, we are in Colombia so it is relatively easy to acquire some seeds. I acquired around 200 seeds that I had to plant in my house. But that is the story of another story.
I prepared to prepare 45 seeds, enough for some nasal projections.
I soaked the seeds for 8 hours until they released their outer shell and inflated. Passed to the blender and with everything and liquids went to a pot to heat and evaporate the liquid. Then the sediments of seeds were left as a paste which extended through the pot until a seed crust was formed, which gathered and toasted until the small pieces jumped. Then I passed to a mortar with baking soda to bolve it to the hot pot again and added a few drops of water and evaporated until it became dusty.


(+0: 00) - the first projection emerged as a strong pain and a feeling of compression on my face.
T-2: nothing at all.

Another try:
(+0: 00) I am about to inhale a thick and substantial line of dust with a bill that points directly at my nostril and I suck it with a lot of force forcing the powder to go straight to my septum and down my throat.
(+0: 05): I begin to feel the enormous pain involved in sniffing yopo pain that grows to its peak and tears of pain down my cheeks to lower partially leaving a burning in my right nostril covering immediately.
Some rosemary oil to open the nostril and vacuum the remaining powder.

(+0: 10): I was entertained looking at the computer screen looking at some forms of cheap farming thinking about many things at the time but a very comfortable set when I begin to notice the main changes in the field of vision and it is when I feel that the experience has begun.

(+0: 15): I begin to feel a buzz that grows enormously with waves of heat in my body with increasing force, I begin to feel in my body that is compressed kilo by kilo, for my skin, back, arms and legs, until it becomes a buzz at the tips of my fingers and I notice that everything looks very clean around me. I close my eyes and see electrical storms that progressively formed spider webs and an understanding of the immaterial more to the deep, now I can understand because they used yopo to diagnose diseases.

(+0: 30): I can feel the vibration in each part of my body, look inside and determine what is happening, the changes in the perception were abrupt but welcoming.
(+0: 40): I have some headache I can not believe that the experience of 5-oh-dmt in the seeds of yopo was such a significant journey in my life, all for less than a dollar, I feel really ecstatic.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111458
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Mar 8, 2018Views: 2,116
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Anadenanthera peregrina (285) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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