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Started to Feel as if I Was on a Train
Salvia divinorum (20x extract)
Citation:   Jeremiah M.. "Started to Feel as if I Was on a Train: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20x extract) (exp111485)". May 27, 2020.

1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
  0.5 bowls smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
Salvia Trip 2

Dosage: 1.5 bowls of 20x salvia divinorum
Environment: My childhood home; my buddy and I were watching TV
Mindset: Curious
Overall experience: Positive
Total duration: 7-10 minutes
Demographic: White; Male; 20; 135 lbs; Full-time student and part-time worker; Winter of 2018

I did not test these compounds before smoking.

Trip: My friend and I were in my living room. He was sitting across from me on the couch; I was sitting in a recliner chair. I smoked the entire bowl of 20x salvia divinorum from my pipe within two or three minutes. When I started to feel warm and tingly in the back of my neck is when I decide to set the pipe down on a chair next to me.

Suddenly, my entire body felt warm and I decided to take my jacket off. I threw my jacket onto the chair next to me; where the pipe was.

Feeling the rush, I tried to focus on TV. My buddy and I were watching an episode of Black Mirror; he was smoking a blunt. I wasn’t paying much attention to the show beforehand so when I tried to focus on it, I was confused. Being confused, I tried to ask my buddy a question about the show but it didn’t make much sense, I’m assuming.

It started to feel as if I was on a train that was floating around in this pink-ish, purple-ish landscape. There were passengers all around. These entities were dark humanoid figures. I peered out the window. A worker entity offered me a cup of tea. I took the tea and looked around me to see what the others were doing. It looked as if a child entity was holding a cup as well but not drinking it. I decided that I should try the tea. As soon as I took a sip, I was back in my living room. However, when I returned home, it felt as if I was waiting on people to flood out from my hallway.

It felt as if I was coming down so I packed another bowl and smoke half of it. This time, however, I didn’t get the warm sensation. There was a gap between my friend and the TV screen. Between the two, it felt as if there was some entity filling that gap; it resembled the entities from the train. I felt compelled to communicate with it but said nothing for I knew there wasn’t anything there. My friend could see that I was tripping so he decided to speak to me. It was difficult to respond and even when I would, it wasn’t the most logical of statements. After a few attempts at speaking, I started to feel normal again. Within a matter of seconds, I felt fine.

Overall, I had a positive experience. The entities didn't seem to care much about me but it did feel as if they were watching me. It felt like they were friendly.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111485
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 27, 2020Views: 521
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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