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The Twisted Funhouse
Citation:   Gurudedicationananda. "The Twisted Funhouse: An Experience with DMT (exp111493)". Mar 10, 2018.

3 hits smoked DMT (plant material)
I have had just a few DMT expereinces before, which were for the most part very nice, very meditative, introspective, and elevating. They were at nighttime, alone.

But today I smoked a strong blend of DMT-enhanced leaf during the day, when it was bright and sunny, alone in my room when no one was home. After taking a small, light inhalation I felt nice, and decided to take two more.

As soon as I blew out the third hit I realized that I was tripping very hard. I was in a twisted funhouse, a playroom that although seemed very nice and welcoming, I felt intense fear for some reason. My entire bedroom almost instantaneously transformed into a bright circus with a sinister aspect to it, and I realized that I was being pulled upwards out of myself to who knows where. I intuitively fought the experience.
I intuitively fought the experience.
I felt like I was on the verge of a breakthrough but was too scared to proceed. Yet where I currently found myself was no better either.

I was told by a being that it was 'time to go,' and that I had to prepare to leave this world behind, and that I was only temporarily in this funhouse of sorts, it was like a cosmic waiting room to prepare me for where I was to go next. I feel like if I had waited until nighttime to do this and took three or four huge inhalations and held each one in for long enough, then I would have definitely broken through, regardless of whether or not I tried to resist the experience. I feel like there's definitely something that DMT wants me to experience, or show to me, but I have been to afraid to proceed every time. I'm also not going to smoke it on a whim again like I did this afternoon.

I think I am going to wait until nighttime, late at night, and go into a different room with my bong and smoke the dmt-enhanced leaf there. I am going to take a breakthrough dose as well, and not resist the experience at all. I hope everything goes well. Thanks for reading.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111493
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Mar 10, 2018Views: 859
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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