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Dancing For Hours
Citation:   JKSJ. "Dancing For Hours: An Experience with bk-2C-B (exp111582)". Feb 8, 2018.

T+ 0:00
180 mg oral bk-2C-B (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:40 80 mg oral bk-2C-B (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 21 mg oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
7:50pm: Dropped approximately 180mg of bk-2C-B

8:20pm: Starting to feel it.  Slight tingling sensations. Feel more energized.  Ready to put on some music and start my ridiculous bed dancing I do because I still do not feel comfortable standing up and doing it.  Plus I worry I'll wake people up or disturb them by my repeated foot stomping and jumping around and such.

9:00pm: Starting to feel it stronger but still not as much as I want.  Thinking about taking more.

9:30pm+/-: Take 80mg more.

11:00pm: Have been talking to some friends about the experience.  Really feeling it strong now.  Jamming to Vitalic, Delta Heavy, and some others. I feel amazing.  Like I took a high dose of MDMA.  Not much in the way of visuals but it takes a while for that to happen from what I've read.

12:00am:  Experiencing some extreme stomach discomfort.  Probably shouldn't have eaten as much food as I did before the trip.  Go to the bathroom where the lighting is better and immediately realize the visuals have started. Not as pronounced as 2C-B but still quite apparent at this dose.  The wood grain of the bathroom door is shifting and moving around a lot. The lines are like tiny rivers flowing past each other.  Colors are way brighter than normal. As I look around the room everything seems alive.  It's beautiful and exactly what I was hoping for. 

1:30am: One of my friends went to sleep so I concentrate on the music and dancing more. The stomach discomfort has ended and now I'm experiencing what I would call pure bliss.  Happy and smiling. I decide to message my significant other to try to get her to talk to me because we're on the outs after something I said on Tuesday.  She reads some of it but never responds.  This throws me into an emotional panic. I cry a little. It is cathartic and after a while I'm able to make myself stop. 

5:00am: For the past few hours I've been talking to another of my friends about opiate use. I see myself the way others must see me and don't like it.  I encourage my friend to try kratom as it has helped me immensely to cease my opiate use. 

7:00am+/-: The sun is coming up but I'm still dancing.  Music sounds incredible still.  Rubbing the top of my head or legs really fast brings on waves of euphoria.  I notice a feeling on the top of my head like it's being scrunched up by an unseen hand.
I notice a feeling on the top of my head like it's being scrunched up by an unseen hand.
  This feeling causes a secondary feeling that starts at the base of my spine and works it's way up my back to that spot on the top of my head. Still seeing things and my pupils are gigantic. 

9:00am: The visuals have nearly stopped now. Slowed down on dancing because I was talking to a bunch of people on Facebook or through messenger.  Still very much high though. 

12:00pm: Talked to Dad and let him know that I'm high and will not be able to work on cleaning my other room at a house he owns that we call the group home.  He does not give me any shit about it and even goes to the store to get me some cigarette tubes for my machine. 

5:00pm:  The majority of the day was spent still dancing in bed.  Amazed at how long this stuff lasts but am finally starting to tire. 

6:00+/-: Finally fall asleep.  Had been taking some red kratom to help me pass out but until now it didn't seem to help at all. 

7:00am: Saturday morning.  Wake up and feel fine.  No hangover.  Maybe a little stomach upset before I go to the bathroom. I feel like I do any other morning

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111582
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Feb 8, 2018Views: 1,135
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bk-2C-B (618) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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