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Figured I'd Give Nootropics a Try
Citation:   Godypis. "Figured I'd Give Nootropics a Try: An Experience with Phenibut (exp111610)". Feb 24, 2018.

T+ 0:00
0.5 tsp oral Smarts - Phenibut (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   repeated vaporized Cannabis  
  T+ 3:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 13:01 1 oral Caffeine  
First Time Nootropic Experience

I was gifted 40 grams of crystalline Phenibut from a friend. I recently had an abortion and have not felt emotionally well since so I figured I'd give nootropics a try. I took 1/2 teaspoon (roughly 1,000mg) mixed with warm apple cider (which only partially masked the taste), at 7:30P at home. Events following are what I recorded following consumption:

T+ 1hr 15min 8:45P Starting to feel a relaxed, maybe a tad woozy. There's a slight 'womp womp' sound in my ears and an occasional ringing, which may or may not be attributed to the slight cold I'm fending off. The whirring sound of my fish tanks filtration system is heightened slightly too.

T+ 2 Hours 9:30P Chatting with a few friends online, noticing my typing has gotten faster and and language more fluent even though I'm using a laptop keyboard, which I'm not used to using. My head feels kind of cushioned, slight pressure and still the slight womping sound in my ears. Body definitely more relaxed, gotten up a few times and have to focus on not stumbling slightly. Stomach feels a bit bubbly, and also my heart feels like it's racing a bit but may be due to going up and down the stairs.

T+ 2.5 Hours 10P My stomach is definitely feeling wonky. Sort of a pinging feeling in the pit, may be due to sucking on my vape more frequently but I usually do at this time of night to maintain a low buzz. Within a half hour the ache ceases, I'm now chatting a bunch with my sister online. Still feeling a cushioning, warmish feeling in my head but not much else.
Still feeling a cushioning, warmish feeling in my head but not much else.

T+3Hours 11P Getting kind of bored, decide to smoke a bowl and watch a movie. After smoking I feel sort of lifted, like my fingers aren't really touching the keys on the keyboard. Within 10-15 mins of watching the movie I promptly fall asleep.
I woke up 10 hours later feeling overslept and sort of highover. My head kind of spun slightly and took a large coffee and about an hour to relieve the shaky vision. I felt great after! The best I've felt in weeks! Uplifted mood lasting all day, energy boost keeping me busy and on task. Wish I could feel that great every day.

The following day though, I had to keep myself from taking more. Not because of any withdrawal feelings, just wish I continued to feel half as good as I did the day prior. All the more usual I am feeling quite low emotionally and not really sure what to do with myself (depression is a bitch).

Phenibut is an intriguing substance at the least, but not to be abused. Next time I may take half the amount at the beginning of the day with a cup of coffee. I was very surprised the effects lasted for the better part of the next day, following a very deep sleep (which I haven't had enough of lately). I wouldn't prefer it over a controlled substance like klonopin, but it's not in my best interest to get wrapped up in all that.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111610
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Feb 24, 2018Views: 7,497
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Smarts - Phenibut (379) : Alone (16), Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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