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No Memory Loss
Citation:   Jessicaa. "No Memory Loss: An Experience with Flunitrazolam (exp111612)". Feb 15, 2018.

2 mg   Flunitrazolam
With scarce information and experience reports on the new research chemical Flunitrazolam, I feel obligated to reveal my experience with this very unique drug.

Prior Benzo use -
Ativan, Xanax, Clonazolam, and Etizolam.

I must say, this is the ONLY one that actually worked for sleep.
Flunitrazolam is also the only one that had positive effects on my mood.
Its the only one that had no memory loss, and I dosed up to 10mg at times.
Usually 100mg lasts me 1 month. It had everlasting effects on learning to 'ignore' anxious thoughts, and in a sober state of mind, I'm able to keep calm in situations that used to send me into panic.

It keeps me in a nice, relaxing chill mood, and goes great with chill relaxing trippy music like Brian Eno, Matthew Edward Hall, Oasis, Pink Floyd etc.

This is by far my favorite non-opiate sleep medication, anti-anxiety medication, stimulant/psychedelic landing gear.

I never experienced withdrawals, but this could be due to my natural taper as I reach the end of the bag.

THIS IS THE ONLY BENZO-LIKE chemical that I don't lose control of redosing.
Etizolam, 100mg bag gone first day no memory.
Clonazolam 100mg gone first day, get arrested for fighting family.
Xanax, placebo?
Ativan worked wondered in hospital IV.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111612
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 15, 2018Views: 5,878
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Flunitrazolam (834) : Various (28), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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