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It's True
Citation:   Nikki. "It's True: An Experience with Loperamide (exp111613)". Feb 21, 2018.

12 mg oral Loperamide (pill / tablet)
Alright, so. Immodium abuse is in the news, so naturally I've been curious about it. I am a very experienced opiate user, but I got clean about 4 years ago and now I have zero tolerance. Still, the prospect of an OTC opiate buzz is too tempting not to try.

There's not many anecdotes online about loperamide. I see some stories of people using upwards of 100mg at once for opiate withdrawals. Being that my tolerance is zero currently, I decided to start very low. I took 12mg (6 tabs) at 10am. By noon, I was feeling floaty with mild opiate euphoria. No stomach discomfort. Today was a great day. At 15 hours later, I can still feel it. So the rumors are true. They say Immodium does not cross the blood/brain barrier. Well, whatever. It certainly did something. Tomorrow I am going to try 20mg. Definitely worth it.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111613
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Feb 21, 2018Views: 12,542
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