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Tripping with Hypnagogia
Dreaming & Sleep Deprivation
Citation:   MatthewH98. "Tripping with Hypnagogia: An Experience with Dreaming & Sleep Deprivation (exp111632)". May 25, 2021.

T+ 0:00
  oral Coffee  
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis (extract)
  T+ 24:00 300 mg oral Caffeine  
  T+ 24:00 65 mg oral DMAA  
  T+ 24:00   repeated smoked Cannabis (extract)
Tripping with Hypnagogia

I am going to start this experience with a disclaimer. I have done LSD about 8-9 times, Salvia d. twice, and have always had strong interest of how psychedelics effect the mind and spirit. A lot of things went into this experience, and it was likely once in a lifetime. Usually when I tell this experience to others they argue that I was just dreaming, but as a very experienced lucid dreamer, I am convinced this experience was deeper than a lucid dream. This experience happened after a bad LSD trip, and I noticed after this trip that I was having PTSD style dreams. I would often dream that I was on acid (feeling identical effects). I do not recommend replicating this experience, for I felt terrible leading up to the experience. But, the experience was absolutely interdimensional and life changing.


This experience took place within the span of three days or so.

Day 1 -
I had been running a small amount all week. Today, I probably slept 6 hours or so, and due to my terrible college schedule, I was forced to stay awake all day. I drank a cup of coffee with a double espresso shot (~275mg caffeine). Throughout the day, I had been smoking marijuana concentrate between classes, which made me even sleepier. On average, I would probably take a toke every thirty minutes with a total of about 8-10 tokes by the end of the day.

Day 2 -
Another day at school. This day I had an 8am class. I believe I had about 5 hours of sleep this day. I smoked about the same amount of cannabis concentrate as Day 1. Around 6:30pm, I decided I was ready to work out and due to my exhaustion, I decided I should take some preworkout (~300mg Caffeine; ~65mg DMAA). I had gotten this supplement from a friend, and although DMAA has been withdrawn from the market, I still enjoy its stimulating effects from time to time. At 12:00am, I could not sleep because of my workout supplement. I continued to stay up and smoke more concentrate, but I eventually decided around 3:00am it was time to go to bed. I slept terribly. Half asleep/Half awake, and I don't think I actually started to rest until about 4:00am.

Day 3-
This is the day of the experience. I wake up to go to class, and running on even less sleep (probably ~3.5 hours due to low quality of sleep) caused me to have light headedness and narcoleptic symptoms while in my lecture. My need to sleep was multiplied due to the comedown from DMAA. At, 11:30am It keeps feeling like I am going to pass out, and if I rest my head I will drift away instantly. I did NOT smoke any cannabis this day due to how tired I felt. I didn't want to exacerbate my sleepiness. I head home right after class to catch up on sleep. At 12:50pm, I lay on the couch and fall asleep as soon as I close my eyes.

While sleeping, I begin to lucid dream. I dream about talking to dead people. My message almost reaches these dead people, and the more I try to talk to them, the closer my messages get to reaching them. I see skeletons in my dream which signify these dead people. Having a busy mind, I am convinced I had been sleeping long enough, and I attempt to wake up. I open my eyes and cannot move. This is comparable to sleep paralysis, but I had no anxiety and I didn't see anything unusual. In my paralyzed state, I begin feeling the sensations through my body as if I were walking through my house. My mind thought I was awake and moving, and it felt 100% like I was. I couldn't see anything, for my eyes were still closed and I was still laying on the couch. Initially, I thought I was sleep walking, and I open my eyes again, only to realize I was still laying on the couch paralysed. This happened about two times before I realized: I was having an out of body experience (OOBE).

I began allowing the sensation of walking around my house flow through me, and I was attempting to look at myself sleeping on the couch. However, everytime I tried to turn around to look at myself, my eyes would open yet again and I would realize I am still laying down on the couch paralyzed. This became a loop, happening about 4-6 times.

After this OOBE repeated itself around 5 times, I blasted off... Almost like a DMT trip. I was completely engulfed in a kaleidoscope world and I was connected to an entity. There was a dominant color scheme in this vision, which was orange, black, some yellow, and some white. I would compare this vision to a Salvia d. trip, however there was no body sensation or confusion associated with this experience. It felt like I have been there before, and I felt the entire universe within myself. The entity communicated telepathically (I felt the message as if my entire body was a radio receiving a signal).

This is what the entity/spirit showed me:
The complete neutrality of the entire universe,
Its neutral judgement of me,
its love for me,
and that there is an infinite spectrum of entities like itself ranging from bad to good.

What I interpreted from my experience:
There is an infinite spectrum of these entities within us, it is our decision to tune into which of these vibrations we will transmit.
There is good and evil, and whichever end of the spectrum we experience or represent, we will always neutralized. These messages and interpretation sound very fundamental and/or easy to conclude, however it is different when you experience them firsthand.

I felt the entire universe within me, and this led me to start having a more spiritual outlook on life. I will always remember this profound and ethereal trip/dream/sleep paralysis experience because it is just too vivid and powerful to forget.

I have had one great LSD experience after the bad trip that was triggering these psychedelic dreams, and it seems to have reset my system. My PTSD-like symptoms are gone and I have less anxiety.

Although having these types of experiences are amazing, I discourage going out of your way of having a bad trip and abusing stimulants while having sleep deprivation to trigger such an experience.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111632
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 25, 2021Views: 761
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