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The Day I Thought I Died
Citation:   JerryJ. "The Day I Thought I Died: An Experience with LSD (exp111703)". Sep 6, 2018.

2.5-3 hits oral LSD
The Day I Thought I Died on LSD

Ok so I am a very experienced psychedelic user. I have used frequently for up to 4 years but I have never felt anything like this.

The night before I got very intoxicated, probably around 8-10 shots worth. I So while I was intoxicated, made plans to trip the next day. I wake up and didn't think about eating or even hydrating fully from the hangover (biggest mistake of my life).
I wake up and didn't think about eating or even hydrating fully from the hangover (biggest mistake of my life).
Then me and my 1 buddy ate around 2.5-3 doses around 12 pm.

45 minutes in I was at the point where I couldn't handle it anymore but I just keep that to myself just assuming they were strong doses and that it was just the come up. But no I was wrong. After about an hour it all started. At first I started throwing up violently. Then I started to feel disoriented and like I was about to pass out. I had no clue what was happening, it was very intense and unpleasent. Then I relaxed for a few minutes. It came in waves, each more intense, then I was laying in my bed covered in a blanket because I had the cold sweats contemplating what was happening. Then all of a sudden my body got super hot. I ran the the bathroom frantically splashing water on my face because I thought I was overheating (this happened multiple times) and eventually I relaxed for good after about 3 hours of what I called hell.

At the time me nor my buddy didn't know why this was happening (because of the alcohol and lack of food and hydration) so I had convinced myself it was research chemicals because I was having such a bad reaction. It was very intense I was blacking in and out a couple times I couldnt remember what was going on when I was disoriented.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111703
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Sep 6, 2018Views: 742
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LSD (2) : Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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