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Quite Inebriated
Kratom & Beer
Citation:   PLURpls. "Quite Inebriated: An Experience with Kratom & Beer (exp111713)". Apr 23, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  oral Cannabis (edible / food)
  T+ 0:00 2.5 tsp oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:30 12 oz oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 0:00 12 oz oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 0:00 12 oz oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
I've experimented with cannabis, mushrooms, LSD, Nitrous, methylphenidate, DXM, DPH, dramamine, alcohol, tobacco, kratom, kava, diazepam and various opioid painkillers. Several months now I have been using kratom regularily as well as cannabis as a sort of self medication for the mental illness I suffer from.

This week I've worked 7 days in a row, I decided when I got home tonight that I would get a little messed up. Painting is quite tedious which is why I believe as a painter I have a bit of a substance abuse problem (or as I like to call it a substance abuse solution). I put the coloured goop on the walls, ceiling and trim, day in and day out for roughly $110 a day. It can be painfully boring however it's not very stressful, but when I come home I find that I need to play with my consciousness in order to balance the soul crushing monotony that I experience throughout my day.
when I come home I find that I need to play with my consciousness in order to balance the soul crushing monotony that I experience throughout my day.

I had eaten 35mg in pot gummies at work today which made the whole day feel like one lifeless blur. Upon returning home I fed my cats and played some scratch tickets for that dank dopamine rush, I bought 3 and after I scratched the first one I downed 2 and a half teaspoons of red bentuangie kratom. About 30 minutes later I noticed my thoughts unwinding and my worries becoming smaller and smaller, I figured now would be as good a time as any to drink a budweiser.

Funny enough I drank the beer while on the toilet and for some compulsive reason decided I would not leave until I had drank the whole thing. I stepped out of the bathroom feeling a little sedated and foggy, nice and relaxed, my mind seemed to ignore the aches in my body and the bad thoughts that generally plague my mind. Immediately I went for the inevitable second beer hoping to intensify this nice feeling. Glug glug glug. I notice there's a little bit of vapor when I pop of the cap on my bottle, usually I'll inhale this vapor in an attempt to amplify the feeling even further. I can't really tell if it does but I try anyways.

Second bottle gone and I feel quite intoxicated, my body feels a little heavy, my vision is a little blurred and I think I'm ready for another beer and I'm feeling like I will smoke some sweet skunky after writing this report. Holy moly my eyes are heavy and I'm worried about how I will feel in the morning before work haha. I feel like I've taken several different pills or a couple chargers of nitrous, to describe it as best as I can I will use the words wavy, jello, molasses, great wall, and very fucking tossed like a fattoush salad with chips of fried pita bread and shawarma chicken. I'm listening to VEVO playlists of 80s music videos which is highly unlike me.

overall rating 8/10 will do again.

Peace (:::

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111713
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Apr 23, 2018Views: 1,524
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Kratom (203) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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