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Leaving This Universe
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Tress. "Leaving This Universe: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp111730)". Mar 18, 2018.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum
About a month ago I smoked Salvia for the first time in my life. The story starts with me hanging out in my friend’s dorm room at my college. I had watched her try it once before and she told me she really enjoyed it and recommended it. I had tried acid a few times before so I thought I would be able to handle it fairly well. Boy was I wrong.

She told me to go get the beanbag I had from my room and bring it in so I did, and when I came back she had a bowl packed and ready to go. I was slightly nervous but I picked it up, lit it, and inhaled. I exhaled and felt a slight sideways feeling as if someone was pushing my consciousness diagonally away from my body.
I exhaled and felt a slight sideways feeling as if someone was pushing my consciousness diagonally away from my body.
I sat down on my beanbag and waited but nothing followed. I dizzily stood up and told my friend that it didn’t work. She told me I needed to hold it longer. So she repacked the bowl and handed it back to me. This time I took a much deeper breath and held. The sideways feeling got so intense I couldn’t stand up so I went to sit back down. That’s when I blacked out.

Next thing I can remember is being in this world. It was a very weird world. The sky was a sickly green and the landscape consisted of barren rolling tan hills. I remember not being a human. I was either a dragon or a shoe. I understand that probably sounds weird, but it’s just what I was. It’s hard to explain the exact feeling, but it was all very normal. No sense of panic or anxiety, but I had no sense of the real world. I was in a state of complete dissolution.

In this other universe, I was a children’s show host. I was trying to come up with the next idea for a show, when a train pulled up next to me. The conductor got out and said to me, “it’s time you go back to the real world.” I was confused because I thought, “What real world? This guy is nuts.” That’s when I looked up and saw a huge tear through the sky. I knew that if I stood up I would understand what the conductor was talking about. I stood up and suddenly was back in the real world. I looked around in complete confusion. “What is this place?” I thought to myself. I looked back down at my feet and could see the floor zippered open where I could see the world I just left was below. I could see my legs go on for infinitely, feeling incredibly stretched out.
That’s when I felt a very real sense of anxiety. That’s when I remembered what happened. “Oooooh I smoked salvia.” I proclaimed to my friend and my roommate who was also watching. I suddenly began understanding what was going on. I started coming back to my own self. I asked how long it had been (apparently about 5 minutes) and that I was scared. My roommate came over and put his hand on my shoulder and sat me down. I was still feeling unsure of who I was, but I knew that I really didn’t want to go back to the other universe.

After about another 5 minutes the feeling of sidewaysness slowly faded and all I was left with was a tired drunk feeling. I told my friend that I didn’t like it but I thanked her for the experience anyways and decided to go back to my room. I was terrified. My roommate was asking all sorts of questions but I didn’t want to talk about it. I finally opened up and told him about my experience. He told me that from his point of view I just kept sitting there going, “What? What? What? What?” then muttered something about dragons, and stood up violently.

That night I went to sleep early and woke up the next morning feeling completely normal. For the next couple of days I thought about the trip. At first I thought I would never do again, but I decided that I would if I had a better setting. I felt very closed in and claustrophobic in the room. If I were to do it again I would do it in a wide open field, although it is very unlikely I will ever do it again.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111730
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 18, 2018Views: 760
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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