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An Unexpected Journey
Citation:   MindTrekker. "An Unexpected Journey: An Experience with LSD (exp111785)". Apr 19, 2018.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Hello to all conscious beings out there. I am relatively new to Psychedelics but I was always interested and I have read almost everything related to drugs and it's effect on the body. I am an occasional cannabis user and tried LSD 2 times in the past. I have had experiences with toluene (not proud of it), datura (very mild quantity), nutmeg. I am currently studying computer science engineering as my major and I totally love it.

About the set and the setting: I was with my friend Sandy whom I met recently but our frequencies matched almost instantly. He got us 2 blots of LSD and we decided to use it inside the campus of the organization where we are doing our internships. The campus is really beautiful and there are lots of calm places to sit down and relax. So we popped one blot each around afternoon time. Sandy has many experiences with shrooms and one time with LSD. But the evening we were about to experience there is no word that can describe it. My mood was very eager and excited. We had stocked up with food before our trip so that there would be nothing to worry about. After 15 minutes of taking the blots, we rode our bikes to our respective rooms so that we could change to something comfortable.

It was when we were about to go outside to our intended place that the first effect manifested itself. My body felt heavy, not drowsy or anything, but I could feel almost all my movements at a highly aware level. Mild euphoria flowed though my body. We had just watched the animated Hoffman LSD video and how the acid kicks in on his bike ride home. So I told my friend how we will be in Hoffman's shoes as we have to take a bike journey towards our destination. It was one of the most enjoyable bike ride I ever had.
It was one of the most enjoyable bike ride I ever had.
When we reached our destination, we found ourselves near a big tree. There was a smoking area nearby where employees could come and smoke. It was a simulated wood area and the stone pathways had lights lighting up the way. It was indeed beautiful and so peaceful unlike anything I have felt in my adult life. We sat under the tree for 6 to 7 hours talking about everything. And I mean everything! From the molecular level to the endless space that is the universe. I never talked with so much intensity and desire. The visuals were always there, not much dominant but tracers here and there.

To summarize, I tripped for like 20 hours almost. The visuals were gone by 8 hours into the trip but the effects were there. I never felt so motivated and so alive. I felt so connected with Sandy on a higher level on the contrast that I just met him a couple of days back. LSD is a very potent substance and it can renew me into something I never thought possible. Just important to be in a safe environment with a happy mindset before the trip and keeping a goal of what I want to gain from the journey. If I have the right questions, LSD will make my mind reveal the answers. Stay safe and stay happy.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111785
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Apr 19, 2018Views: 746
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LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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