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Hospitalising Ego Death
Citation:   Louis. "Hospitalising Ego Death: An Experience with LSD (exp111820)". Apr 21, 2018.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
[Erowid Note: Unconfirmed Serious Injury Report. This report of a serious injury was submitted without verifiable details or contact information. Erowid is choosing to publish this report to invite public comment and to allow anyone who knows about this event to submit details that we can verify. Neither this report nor any report of a hospitalization should be considered reliable without details that can be verified through hospitals, police reports, family members, or news reports. If you have information about this incident or other experience resulting from the use of any psychoactive substance we cover, please contact sage at]
Me and a couple friends had been wanting to do acid for a while and we finally found a supplier. We decided to buy some and were told it was 100ug. We took the acid and were filled with excitement and anticipation for the journey we were just beginning.

30 mins - we started walking towards the canal but to get there we had to walk along a main road. At this point I was seeing altered colours. Everything seemed unfamiliar and amazed me. I saw the college that I attended at the time and remember it looking purple with a greenish sky above it. Even though it was an ugly building I still thought it to be beautiful.

60mins - At this point we were at this abandoned place that was filled with graffiti and trees. My friend that wasn't on anything asked what the graffiti looked like and according to him all I did was hysterically laugh at the fact that he asked a question.
This was due to me at this point having a mad revelation about how life was a series of questions with no meaningful answers. So I just laughed that the first thing said after this revelation was a question. At this point I was stood up and talking to my friends about what was going on in life with family and school. Then I faded out of the conversation and began looking at the ground which seemed so far away. I had to sit down because of this as it made me feel more 'grounded'. I wasn't scared of standing I just felt more secure and happy sat down I couldn't actually explain why.

90mins- at this point I begin fading in and out of reality. According to my friends I would just walk with my eyes closed and sometimes say a few words with no correlation. I dont remember what I was actually thinking about at this point but I do remember an overwhelming sense of achievement and realisation. It was like I had been stuck on a question for so long and finally found the answer. It was that sense of relief and achievement but ten fold. I'd never felt so glad in my entire life.

120mins - I slipped back in consciousness at this point and my bros were all rolling up some doobs. So I offered to roll one but I can't normally roll. I made them aware of this and for science purposes they allowed it. Whilst I was rolling it was weird. I had complete focus on this paper and nothing was happening around me. I went into a zen mode and just happily rolled away. When I finally completed it  after about 10 mins I looked at it and thought it was bent and pregnant. So I told everyone to wrap it again. They all disagreed and said it was a sick roll. I told them they're clearly trippin as it seemed bent. But again they all disagreed and later told me that it was the cleanest roll of that day but I was seeing something completely different. Although it took 10mins to roll it came out perfect this made me think about time and how much I had yet how little I was doing.

150mins (at this point the times start to become jumbled as I was not in the real world)  - I was still tripping about time except at this point things had gotten a lot deeper. I was living out happy moments in my life such as random days at school and holidays. All the moments were happy ones. Then I started seeing moments from what I assumed was the future and were all still happy. Until I realised I was growing older and older in these images and at some point had to die. Which is when I saw my self in a car with friends and we swerved off the road into a brick wall and I was just getting mauled by every flip that the car did. I tried to fight to stay alive but it was like I had to die as the more I fought it the more the car flipped. So I got to a point of acceptance and the car stopped. At this point I saw myself from above just lying there dead. I just looked a myself for a bit and felt every emotion you could think of all at once in that one moment. It was the most upsetting yet happy part of my life realising that I had to die.

After going through that I saw what I can only describe as a circle of life. Then I realised that circles are continuous and it happened again. I  was reborn and started again.

I finally regain consciousness after dying numerous times and see a claw reach out and grab me. I was in no way scared by it as I had just experienced and accepted death numerous times. I then black out and wake up again and see a wolf with glowing eyes wearing a beanie carrying me. I black out again and wake up to a random man prodding me in the neck and asking me questions.
I black out again and wake up to a random man prodding me in the neck and asking me questions.
I looked around a bit and saw I was in an ambulance and thought I had actually been in a car crash but like before I accepted it. I then fully regain consciousness in the hospital and my mom is there asking me why I did drugs and telling me off. I wanted to seem bothered but I couldnt stop thinking about all the shit I just went through.

I was told by my friends later that during my trip I was freaking out and unresponsive. Apparently, I kept on screaming as if I was getting killed. So I'm assuming that was when I was dying in these many lives. Also they had to pin me down as when I was freaking out I kept throwing myself about and hitting my head. Which explains why I had a concussion.

As well as that, the next day my friend gets a message saying not to take the tabs whole as they are 250ug not 100ug. He replied 'too late'.  250ug was definitely not the amount I wanted for my first time doing acid.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111820
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Apr 21, 2018Views: 1,616
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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