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Truly a Miracle Plant
Kratom (as opioid substitute)
by E505
Citation:   E505. "Truly a Miracle Plant: An Experience with Kratom (as opioid substitute) (exp111836)". Apr 23, 2018.

5 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
I'm writing this experience about kratom, although this is a retrospective of my kratom use combined with other things. First a little background.

I’ve been physically dependent on opioids for about 7 years, starting after several serious injuries ended me up on prescriptions for oxycodone and hydrocodone. After my scripts ran out I was getting sick, so I decided to start chasing the dragon [heroin]. It was cheap and powerful, but it was starting to give me serious respiratory issues and it was getting harder and harder to find. I spent more and more time dopesick, and my professional life was starting to suffer. It was about that time my new girlfriend turned me on to her very steady connection for suboxone.

For several years, I took suboxone daily, usually between 2 and 3 milligrams, or 1/4 to 1/3 of an 8mg strip.
For several years, I took suboxone daily, usually between 2 and 3 milligrams, or 1/4 to 1/3 of an 8mg strip.
It quickly became my drug of choice for it’s extremely long lasting effects and very low price. However, when I couldn’t get it, the sub withdrawals were worse than any other opioid. I decided to try kratom because of the good things I’ve heard about it, and I’m glad I found it.

I buy kratom by the kilogram, and a kilo of quality maeng da costs me about $90 with shipping. I take it in approximately 5 gram doses, 3 to 4 times a day. 5 grams of kratom gets me well and a few re-doses during the day keeps me there. While I still take suboxone and oxycodone occasionally, I no longer smoke heroin.

My favorite way to prepare kratom is to start with a cup and put about a half inch of hot water in the bottom, then add a small spoonful of kratom powder and let it get completely soaked. After the kratom is soaked, I add about 8 ounces of whole chocolate milk, which I’ve found masks the bitterness better than anything else. The effects set in about 15 minutes after drinking, and last about 4 hours. Any dose over 5 grams starts making me jittery and a bit dissociated, and smaller doses don’t get me well
The effects set in about 15 minutes after drinking, and last about 4 hours. Any dose over 5 grams starts making me jittery and a bit dissociated, and smaller doses don’t get me well
, so 5 grams is the sweet spot. My favorite combination is 5 grams of kratom and 1mg of alprazolam. It’s such a relaxing feeling.

Having used kratom regularly for so long, I can assure you that the withdrawals aren’t pleasant, but they’re nothing like bupe or H withdrawals. As long as I can keep getting 90 dollar kilos of kratom I don’t have to worry about that though. One last little caveat, is that I don’t like cannabis and I don’t partake, so I can’t speak to the combination of kratom and weed. I’ve heard it’s nice but the effects of cannabis are not pleasant to me.

Exp Year: 2016-2018ExpID: 111836
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Apr 23, 2018Views: 1,577
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Kratom (203) : Unknown Context (20), Preparation / Recipes (30), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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