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The Beaver Against The Lion
Citation:   Marduk. "The Beaver Against The Lion: An Experience with LSD (exp111846)". Apr 25, 2018.

1 hit sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
    smoked Cannabis  
This happened in 2015 on a beautiful day in November (it's 2018 now). I live in a place far up north, so there was plenty of snow. Prior to this I had tripped on LSD once, taken MDMA once and I smoked weed regularly. The one LSD trip I had under my belt had been really frightening and I thought I was going to die, so I was nervous as fuck when the day of my second trip finally arrived. The guy I was going to trip with was a friend that I became friends with at the school we were attending, a school where you sleep, eat food and play music all day for a year. We were both 19 at the time. My friend, who we are going to call V, had tripped on acid twice before and had the best time of his life both times.

So to the day of the trip. It was a sunday morning and I woke up at 9 a.m. and went to have some breakfast. I made myself a huge plate, thinking I wasn’t going to eat for the next 10 hours or so. I tried to keep myself calm, but I couldn’t get rid of the thought that I was going to have a bad trip, like last time. I sat down beside V’s roommate, too nervous to even say hello. After a while I blurted out ”a beautiful day, huh?”. V’s roommate looked at me and said ”why the fuck do you care, are you going fucking skiing or something?” He had no idea.

After eating I went down to my room and texted V, asking where the hell he was. He said he was almost ready, and would meet me at my room in 10 minutes. That was the worst 10 minutes I’ve had in a while. I thought i was going to have a panic attack. And I was sure as shit that there was no way I wasnt going to have a nightmare trip thinking this way. V finally showed up. He didnt give a fuck about breakfast so we went outside right away. As we were walking to the little forest where we were going to drop the blotters, V managed to calm me down a little bit. He also mentioned that his roommate had autism. We found a sweet spot, and V took out the blotters, handed me one, and I put it under my tongue. The dosage was 150 micrograms. The nervousness came back and once again i thought I was going to have a bad trip. V asked if we should smoke a joint. I declined at first, thinking that that was the cause of my first bad trip. But he lighted it anyway, and I took a few hits. This turned out to be a great decision! After just a few minutes my nervousness faded away, and I was calm again.

After about 30 minutes we decided to go buy a pack of cigarettes. I started to feel the acid creep up on me. After walking for about 10 minutes we turn around a house, and BAM: we see the ocean. It was really beautiful. There was a few pine trees there too, and the way the sun was shining through made it all look like a scene from a movie. I giggled and said to V ”I think I'm feeling the acid”. Then we stood there for a little while, laughing like idiots.

We arrive at the gas station. I remember it was a funny feeling coming inside. It sort of made the trip more intense. We stood inside for a while, not knowing what to do exactly. We started laughing again, and I began to wonder how fucked up we looked. I suddenly remembered why we were here, so I went up to the desk and said ”give me a pack of cigarettes”. For some reason this was hilarious to me, and I really tried hard not to laugh my ass off. I got the cigarettes and payed, and we walked outside. I felt a little embarassed.

On the way back we walked over a bridge, with a river from the ocean running below. We stopped and my jaw dropped. Some of the river was frozen, and it looked like the ice was moving. As I stared at the ice I could se stars and planets, and it looked beautiful, like the universe. I explained to V what i saw, and he agreed completely. I also stated ”theres no way in hell that ice isnt moving!”. Of course it didn’t.

We went back to the school, and I decided to have a shower in my room. This is were the acid peaked. As I was standing in the shower I started to see some weird shit on the shower curtain. I saw a beaver, standing on his hind legs with a crown on his head. I found out he was a king, and that his army was going to war against an evil lion. It was like seeing a movie. Suddenly I came back to myself again, and thought to myself that I was really tripping. I tried to focus on the shower curtain again, and this time I felt like I was in a space ship. I had the feeling that I was racing through space with an enormous speed. It started to feel a little too real, and at one point I thought I saw some aliens behind the shower curtain. I became scared and turned off the shower and layed in bed for a while.

I began watching a movie, but it seemed so fake to me. The only thing I could think of were how much the actors humiliated themself playing such stupid characters in such stupid movies. And how our society glorifies and look up to these clowns. I’ve never watched a movie in the same way since.

It was about 5 hours since we took the LSD when V texted me, asking if I wanted to jam. I said yes, so we went over to the building with all the rehearsal rooms. I play guitar, and V got behind the drums and started laying down this really groovy beat. I felt like I was playing like a god, and that we had an almost telepathic connection: every time I began playing a different melody or riff, V got the mood I was going for immediately. I felt like Santana at woodstock, that the guitar was a snake I had to tame. I could really feel the music, and one time we both started playing slower and slower, feeling like time became warped and we entered a different dimension where time didn’t go as fast as here on earth.

After jamming for about an hour, the effects of the LSD really started to diminish. It didn’t happen much more worth writing. During the trip, there were times I felt safe and comfortable, and other times I felt really fragile and scared. But at the end I really felt like I had accomplished something, that I hadn’t let the fear win. So all in all a good experience, which we repeated a few times, and eventually got kicked out of the school, but thats another story! Hope you enjoyed the read, and stay safe!

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 111846
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 25, 2018Views: 856
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LSD (2) : Music Discussion (22), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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