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2 Days and 3 Stages
Citation:   JoceŽ. "2 Days and 3 Stages: An Experience with Topamax (exp11186)". Mar 3, 2007.

200 mg oral Pharms - Topiramate (pill / tablet)
I went through a stage a while back where for breakfast, lunch, and dinner I either ingested pills or put them up my nose. One of my personal favorites is a little orange pill called Topamax. A friend of mine takes these for her bi-polar disorder, but feeds her extras to me. The high lasts a very long time for 2 pills, for up to 3 days in some people. It lasts for me for 2 days, and the high comes in 3 stages;

*The first stage I feel stupid as hell. I tried writing a check for my mother my first time, and it took me 10 minutes to get the pen moving to write out the word 'three'. I find that my eyes cross sometimes when I start feeling really stupid. This stage is a pretty speedy stage.

*This is the dopey stage, I lay around and get VERY confused VERY easily. Sometimes I panic about things, like waking up and finding that my pillow is too thin, or if someone says the word 'spider' I can't stop screaming. Also, if I try to tell a story, I probably won't be able to get the words out of my mouth.

*I never really remember this stage, I basically feel stoned towards the end of the topamax high. But I feel good through the whole high.

A little tip for all the pill-snorters out there, DO NOT SNORT TOPAMAX!!!! It feels like shit, you'll regret it. However, it fucks you up pretty good.

Drinking on Topamax is fun, just as long as I'm careful and don't drink too much. Smoking on it is fine, smoking with anything is good for me. But I try not to mix too many other drugs (expecially hallucinagens) w/Topamax, it's really easy to bug out because I are so easily confused.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11186
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 3, 2007Views: 55,557
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