A Calm Night
Citation:   Lowercase G. "A Calm Night: An Experience with LSD (exp111901)". Erowid.org. Jun 12, 2018. erowid.org/exp/111901

T+ 0:00
1 hit sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 2:00 12 oz oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 5:00 2 cups oral Coffee  
T. 0:00 6 mm x 5mm tab of teddy bear dead family needlepoint taken sublingually (Expecting roughly 75mcg.) (8:17pm MST)

T. 0:05 Making Angel hair pasta, trying a new sauce.

T. 0:15 Chewed what remained of tab. I find it terribly inconvenient to hold the paper in my mouth for more than 15 minutes, and as far as I can tell it results in no diminished effects.

T. 0:20 Likely placebo, but very faint body load detected.

T. 0:27 I can feel the paper in my stomach and a slight tickle in the back of my throat

T.(9:04pm) Dinner ready. Definitely feeling the lightened body and egotistical mindset distinctive of early trips

T. 2:07 Definitely a cleaner feeling trip than the 'fluff' that we got from some 'dead family' in Oregon. Auditory hallucinations and general good feelings. A sense of being open and simply enjoying. Many thoughts come to mind, but I let most pass by with the realization that whatever is now is all that matters and everything else is secondary. Feeling very much at peace with my life and life's decisions. Also feeling extremely competant, however no tests come to mind as of right now. Dinner was okay. I've decided to enjoy a bud-light. Weve been watching the office on netflix. And I will go back to that now.

Sorry busy chasing the dragons

T. 3:.37 Playing minecraft with the woman I love, chasing the dragons in the chinese mythology mash-up had to make a bottle for our daughter. I've reached the point that is common in my acid use where I feel like I'm thinking of things in an important way, as in I can properly discern answers, but I dont know how to apply these thoughts in my daily life in a manner that would be productive.
I can properly discern answers, but I dont know how to apply these thoughts in my daily life in a manner that would be productive.
I plan on microdosing on what I have left.

I'm a great person but a shitty temple

In the bathroom, just popped a pimple

Sat and thought too much why cant I just keep it simple

Its sad I often rush

T. 4:01 I have noticed now that I am an inherently suspicious person. Of myself, my loved ones, of society as a whole, but in this context I've noticed that I'm suspicious of my drugs. I seem to think now that I'm never as high as I am. If I were capable of doing it sober I would say that I think I am not enlightened as I truly am. Even though I am. And thus the loop. Its like I cant allow myself to possibly be happy so I have to create these imagined roadblocks that just slow my processor down. My life being the processor. Back to doing the dishes.

T. 4:32 If I'm ever going to reconcile with my brother I need to do it through his wife. In the last thirty minutes I did the dishes and wrote a heartfelt letter to my brother that I will never show him, but now I KNOW I need to sit down and write his wife a proper letter explaining my feelings, why I'm upset with THEM, and why I wish we could all still be friends. This is Good sid with the teddy bear blotters. I know what I want to be famous for. I know why I want people to remember my name, I believe in myself and yet I still accept all my mistakes and my shame. This is a very good accepting plateau and one of the reasons I keep coming back to this drug. Its unfortunate I havent found a way to achieve this feeling by my own meditative measures. It's late but I'm making coffee.

T. 5:24 Feels like the trip has mostly subsided by now. I'm happy but still energetic and dont want to wake my wife up so I'm going to play league of legends before bed. I cant even hack into my old league Account. Jeeeeezzz its so weird how different I am today from how I was just 5 years ago .

T. 6:38 Pupils still dilated, counts as tripping in my book. Body load is gone by now but still energetic, not tired etc. Just played the most enthusiastic game of league ever, had some real highlights but overall wasnt too spectacular a performance. Was just a ton of fun. Felt comfortable and confident recording it as well.

T. 8:00 Pupillary constriction is normal and responsive. Still feel a calm, loving energy, but I'm definitely no longer 'high'. Parts of my body still feel slightly numb, or clammy, or calloused, but other parts like the back of my neck are sensitive. My senses, as in the cardinal 5, all feel refreshed and ready for the day ahead. Have had 2 cups of black coffee by now but I am not feeling at all jittery or unwell. Overall I feel pleasant, and dare I say enlightened of many stresses.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111901
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 12, 2018Views: 819
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LSD (2) : General (1), Alone (16)

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