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So Alien and Bizarre
Citation:   Martg. "So Alien and Bizarre: An Experience with DMT (exp111923)". May 24, 2018.

2 hits vaporized 2-Me-DMT
First Time DMT

So I had never heard of DMT until recently. I am 46 years old, when I was young in my late teens I was involved in the UK rave scene explosion around 1990/1991 so I am familiar with MDMA and LSD in a recreational capacity. I have tried mushrooms some time ago and had pleasant mild psychedelic trips. I use cannabis to this day.

So I came across DMT while looking through youtube videos. The subject and substance was interesting to me. I decided to try it when I could. It was about a couple of month after first reading about DMT that I managed to get hold of some.

The substance was a yellow/golden/brown? Smelled very strange not anything I could compare it really. I bought a standard glass oil pipe for administration. I had 250mg of the stuff but no scales capable of measuring those small amounts.

Anyhow the day came when I had the chance to try it out. It was about 16.20 in the afternoon, I was at home, alone, relaxed and comfortable. I divided the 250mg into 5 roughly equal portions and loaded the pipe with one of them. I was sure I would mess it up anyway and lose some of the substance. I gently heated the pipe keeping the flame away from the bowl, about an inch, I see some vapour form and inhale. I feel the effects immediately, a kind of warm body fuzz
I feel the effects immediately, a kind of warm body fuzz
, I got nervous at this point for some reason and abandoned what I was doing. I laid back and closed my eyes, nothing much happened, I knew I hadn't had enough. I was very nervous shaking almost, fear of the unknown I guess. I decided to try again but all my lighters were broke, dam I had to go out and get some more, which I did.

So I had a bit of time for composure, I was ready to try again. Almost 1 hour later exactly at 17.20 I loaded the bowl again. This time I was more sure of myself and more relaxed, I heated the bowl and inhaled, I got the nice warm feeling again but knew I had to go for more. I continued to heat the bowl and the whole pipe filled with white vapour, I inhaled it all and held it. Then it really hit me, I exhaled, I put the pipe down safely, everything seemed to slow down, wavy carpet, I looked at my arms they were elongating, the room seemed to go dark, I close my eyes and lay back on the couch.

Now I will recall what I can remember as best as I can. I cannot remember much at all, visually all I can say is alien, its the best word to describe the patterns? If I could call them patterns. At one point I felt I was in a white room I saw white walls I think. I wish I could describe better what I saw but I just cannot. It seemed like everything was happening at light speed I literally didn't have time to take anything in. The feelings I was having while all this was happening was incredible euphoria, it felt as if my body was been ripped apart but it felt amazing. I mean a euphoria much more than MDMA. Then I do remember a part of the trip but I cant put it into words, it was almost like I was in a digital something? I don't know, it was alien, bizarre.

I opened my eyes and the room was there, still a little wavy and I knew the trip was over. So what happened? I have no idea. I did not see any other beings, I cannot recall feeling other presences. What I do know is that what I can remember seeing was totally alien, when I say this what I mean is my mind and brain cannot conjure up images like this. But for the life in me I cannot remember what actually happened.

So I have DMT left over and no doubt will try again at some point. I did read somewhere that DMT will take you by surprise and you will not be ready. I can confirm this, I was totally shocked at the speed of everything happening, I could not expect anything because it is so alien and bizarre, powerful stuff indeed.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111923
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 46
Published: May 24, 2018Views: 1,100
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DMT (18) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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