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Jazz Band and Fat People
Citation:   binger. "Jazz Band and Fat People: An Experience with DOC (exp111948)". Erowid.org. May 28, 2018. erowid.org/exp/111948

3 mg insufflated DOC (powder / crystals)
It was a lovely Friday evening, I decided to go out with my friends today and drink a little, maybe do some drugs. After an hour or 2 of drinking soft drinks in our favourite pub and my usual dealers not responding to my messages I decided to take DOC which one of my friends urged me to try.

After snorting it in a dirty toilet cabin we decided to walk around town. T+10 I started to percieve every colour more intensely, I also started noticing pretty strong body stimulation, tingling and ecstasy-like waves going up and down my body, I felt energetic and happy.

T+45 minutes, we are now sitting in the pub, talking, every word that is said sends me into thoughts, its intense, but I'm pretty experienced with drugs so I can handle it. after a while I am completely fucked, arguing with my friend who we'll call E. E was also high, she is not as experienced, so the drug made her feel a little paranoid. E was accusing me of being aggressive, to which I responded by accusing her of not handling her drugs, the feud was thankfully settled by my friend J, who was sober.

T+120 minutes, I am full on tripping, people are covered b colourful fractals and shapes are distorted, everyone seems really melty and fat, I feel like in a retro game, its undescribable. After this nothing interesting happened for a few hours.

T+360? I was walking home with some people when suddenly my shoelace untied, it took me considerable amounts of time to do anything, so it was almost impossible for me to tie my shoes.
it was almost impossible for me to tie my shoes.
After that I arrived home and lied in my bed. Sadly DOC is a stimulant so I couldnt fall asleep. As I was getting more and more desperate I started having strong auditory halucinations of a out of tune and rhythm jazz band playing very loudly right in my ears, it was very non pleasant.

After that I remember hardly anything. I woke up, or probably just snapped back in the morning, tired and fuzzy, still a bit high. I showered and ate a little. The whole day I just smoked cigarettes while staring blankly outside my window. In the evening I finally fell asleep.

Overall a weird experience, definitely not negative but hardly great. I'll try DOC once more in a different setting, it might be better.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111948
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 28, 2018Views: 1,188
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DOC (357) : Various (28), Multi-Day Experience (13), First Times (2)

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