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Untapped Regions
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   mistabishi. "Untapped Regions: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp11195)". Erowid.org. Jun 30, 2002. erowid.org/exp/11195

  oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Last year (2000 - july) me and 6 of my closest freinds took the traditional post exam de-stresser holiday. We went to Ibiza; not the most relaxing of places, but the perfect 18-30 playground for inexperienced teens. We did as we had done for years in the first week - just drinking, smoking low-grade pressed resin-powder (known as squalid were we come from), and never making it to sunrise in the clubs there, as we were so intent on satiating that most intense of male-teen appetites. In the second week though we somehow arrived at a point where we had a stock of smiley print ecstacy tablets (now realised to be pure mdma as we have become conisieurs of the cookie), procured possibly on a drunken excursion by one of our fold one night. We decided, quite nonchelantly, to take one each (7 dropped in total with 53 left in the baggie), and not smoke or drink 'cause we were unsure of the side effects. We dropped. We went out. We danced from 11p.m. to 9:30 a.m saturday to sunday at El-Divino's crappy Moneypenny's night, and all the stock of first person experiences that you read about were contained in us that night. But what followed was quite astounding. We returned to our villa - all 7 of us - completely loved up, and quite serene, discussing what we had felt during the course of the night, when we all lay down on the double bed and just stopped talking. My friend Will said something to me that i will never forget - 'please don't think about kissing me'. I had been thinking stongly but not overtly about kissing him. I responded almost instinctively by saying 'only if you stop thinking about coffee', which he corroborated. We had not really realised what we had said to eachother but the other 5 had noticed. What followed was a genuine telepathic experience between 7 people where we discussed our feelings for one another through pure eye contact, occaionally, but gradually less frequently, verbally checking to see if we were reading each other correctly - which indeed we were. We were sharing each others' thoughts, and most strikingly, we all got the complete first person experience of colour blindness, a condition which our friend Tony suffers from.

If any one out there has experienced similar states af awareness through any substance, please voice your thoughts, because we have spent the past year trying to come to terms with what actually happend to us all that morning.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 11195
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 30, 2002Views: 4,529
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Mystical Experiences (9)

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