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Don't Get Too Comfortable
Citation:   meltedsun. "Don't Get Too Comfortable: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp111961)". Oct 18, 2018.

T+ 0:00
325 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 25 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
Diphenhydramine is a drug that I have always felt comfortable using because I have been using it in small doses (about 4-7 25mg pills) recreationally for around 3 years. Since last year I have had to slowly but surely up my dose due to my tolerance for the drug getting higher meaning that now I am at about 8-9 (25mg) pills to feel anything at all.

May 23rd I took 11 of these and I ended up having the weirdest and most enjoyable trip of my life, one that was fun but confusing and full of vivid hallucinations unlike anything I have ever experienced on benadryl before. Because of this, two nights ago I decided to increase my dosage once again. Now as I said in the beginning, Benadryl is something I'm comfortable using, but not anymore.

I mentally prepared myself for the trip of confusion and hallucinations I thought I was about to experience. I took 13 pills and sat myself down in front of the tv, waiting for the familiar high to hit me. Instead I was hit with a nightmare I've never experienced before.

I sat for about an hour and decided to take one more pill. 30 more minutes and I could finally feel the effects but they weren't a light trip now, my body was just simply numb and panic was in my brain. My fingertips seemed to be white and bloodless, and my legs broke out in bright red splotches. Within the 3 hours of taking the last pill my mouth was foamy and I felt intense panic. The last things I remember from that night were the bottoms of my feet bright red filling with blood and my body jerking from the tiny bug bites I felt all around my body (which were not really there).

I wish I could just say that I was just tripping and these things were not happening, but the next day I woke up around 8am thanking god that I woke up and the effects were gone.
I woke up around 8am thanking god that I woke up and the effects were gone.
I went about my day as usual, working on my online homework and making lunch when I noticed my hands and arms seemed to go completely numb. I went into my room and looked in my mirror only to realize that my body was completely white and had almost blotches of surprisingly even more pale white dots littering my body, and my fingers and toes were starting to swell up. On top of those already scary things, my arms felt like they were burning. In a panic I called a friend who came over and confirmed that these things were actually happening and I was no longer tripping. I ended up staying in an ice cold bathtub for about an hour in order to get the swelling to stop.

Now two days after that final dose of benadryl, my arms and legs are both still mildly numb. I know Benadryl is a drug I will never trip on again because if I do, I firmly believe next time I will wake up in the hospital.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111961
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 18, 2018Views: 1,493
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