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Life With No Opposite
Citation:   Brandon S.. "Life With No Opposite: An Experience with Cannabis (exp112019)". Jun 12, 2018.

1 hit smoked Cannabis
The set and setting was saturday night, alone, off my meds (Risperidone, escitalopram and divalproex) and I was playing video games. Someone online told me they were tripping on DXM and I wanted to level up so I took one big rip.

I set my pipe down and the effect started with a build up of euphoria that couldn't get stronger when my brother walked in my trailer and startled me and I told him I'm really high and all I was experiencing was ETERNALNESS and he laughed. He wanted too borrow my pipe and we couldn't find it so were going on a trip trying too find it when I joke maybe it dissolved into the cosmic void! When he found it and we started having a talk which I barely remember, he walked out we said our yadda yadda goodbyes.

I walked outside smoking a cigarette and I felt like my thoughts were a bunch of fishes in the sea of awareness who's liquid was changed to weed juice and like the mind was a totally maluable object, and that I am a lightbulb of awareness as we all are. My high settled down and I wrote this in my journal midway between a buzz and a high.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112019
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 12, 2018Views: 656
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Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), General (1)

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