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House Tradition
Citation:   citysquirrel . "House Tradition: An Experience with MDMA (exp112034)". Aug 12, 2018.

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral MDMA
  T+ 1:00 100 mg oral MDMA
  T+ 0:00     Cannabis
I live with 60 other students in a vibrant, cheerful, and creative student home. Last semester was my first semester living in the house and first time attending a party where the tradition is to take MDMA and have food, dancing, and nudity a part of the evening.

I had energy throughout the day and spent it relaxing with my roommate. I was slightly nervous leading up to the event. Basically, the house spends the day setting up the party. I smoked weed in the afternoon and had a sip of beer before dinner.

I took 100mg of MDMA after we had dinner. I was dancing, having fun, and waiting for it to kick in. However, I grew impatient after not feeling the effects in an hour and took another 100mg. I started to feel the roll when I was sitting on my friend's lap. I was kissing my friends on the cheek and felt at ease. But, slowly I could feel my heart rate increase and my mind felt out of my control, I felt anxiety about how high I was and if I was safe. I had to take a step outside for fresh air. My friends asked me questions and I felt overwhelmed. I yelled at them 'No more questions.' Next, I started to sing 'Come Together' by the Beatles. I still felt out of control and went inside to lay down on cushions people had placed on the floor. My roommate came to comfort me, and we went to our room. My roommate pulled out some pink ecstasy pills which made me feel uncomfortable. She put half in her beer and drank it.

I felt extremely cold at one point and had to huddle for warmth by the fire, under blankets to feel warm. I held my friend's hand.

I wanted to be happy and energetic but my sense of euphoria wore off quickly. I was terrified I took too much and convinced myself that I was in danger at one point. I had funny and light-hearted conversation with my friends. I went to sleep at 4 am and woke up the next day at 12 pm.

I felt sad, drained, and scared the next day. Loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue, and anxiety. I thought I had seriously hurt myself by taking the dose I took. I talked to my friend after I made myself a small breakfast. I felt overwhelmed by my emotions, told my friend I would see them later, and then went to my room to cry. I felt like I needed to get away from the house.

I currently feel normal, happy, and successful. I am not planning on taking MDMA again.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112034
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Aug 12, 2018Views: 914
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Large Party (54)

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