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Candy Land
Citation:   Logan O.. "Candy Land: An Experience with LSD (exp112086)". Jul 8, 2018.

T+ 0:00
.5 tablets oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:15 .5 tablets oral LSD (blotter / tab)
So! I didn’t think it got any sweeter, but it most certainly does. My trip last Saturday went so well that it seems impossible, but I’m still not positive that LSD-25 is what was on that mysterious white blotter.

I mean, fuck... where to begin? After we each ate half a tab (cut from a long, unperforated strip) at 8:30 PM, we walked through a nearby park and watched the sunset. After that, we played basketball until 9:45. We got back to the house and each ate another half, doubling our original dose, but it still took until 10:45 or so for things to feel trippy and for a while I was disappointed that we had taken bunk acid. By 12:00 AM, I was probably as fucked up as I’ve ever been.

My favorite part was when I could taste the red, blue and green lights that spun like a hurricane around our tiny room. They tasted like Jolly Ranchers or Air Heads, it was that super-sweet to the point where it’s almost sour taste.
My favorite part was when I could taste the red, blue and green lights that spun like a hurricane around our tiny room. They tasted like Jolly Ranchers or Air Heads, it was that super-sweet to the point where it’s almost sour taste.
As they danced endlessly to the music we kept on shuffle, it seemed that I was witnessing perfection. The euphoria that coursed through my body was very warm and relaxing, something almost comically unexpected given that most of my past acid trips were bursting with powerful, sometimes jaw-clenching stimulation.

It was hilarious. We laughed a lot, usually at nothing at all. It was a really genuine laughter too, the kind that boosted our moods higher and higher. Once we were ‘there,’ in that unmistakable headspace that seems to escape my vocabulary, I immediately knew I was on the same acid as last time I’d tripped, and it filled me with a strange nostalgia.

It was a different flavor of “fucked up” than my last trip, but undeniably the same substance. Now that I’ve done it twice, my whole concept of it is much more solidified, especially given that everything went so well. During the day I casually meditated on whether or not I should go back down the rabbit hole. It seemed like a good enough idea, but naturally, I was nervous.

Once we were “there,” and we stayed “there” from 12:00 to 6:30 AM, it felt like time had completely halted. It didn’t fast forward or rewind uncontrollably, it just... Stopped. We wondered if the sun was ever going to come back up. When it finally did after what felt like days, we stopped tripping almost immediately. The come down was so smooth that by 8:00 AM we happily drove to McDonalds with no signs of intoxication other than a beautiful afterglow.

It was unbelievable. My body and mind are usually exhausted at the end of an intense trip, but for once I felt as though the acid had given me life and energy. It’s been a few days since the trip and I still feel incredible! It’s been very easy for me to integrate the experience into my life, which is surprising given how profound it was. It intrigued to me to think how impactful a positive psychedelic experience like mine could be on so many of the people I know that haven’t tried these drugs yet, but I can see why they’re so timid about it. For me, tripping feels like the most “adult” thing one can possibly do. It’s heavy metal, it’s alien, and if one does it right, it’s the ultimate ecstasy.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112086
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 8, 2018Views: 1,034
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), General (1)

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