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No Other Drug Comes Close
Citation:   Not dave. "No Other Drug Comes Close: An Experience with Cocaine (exp112106)". Jul 3, 2018.

  repeated IV Cocaine
    repeated IV Heroin
Shooting high grade cocaine

I have taken drugs most my life well since I was 13, I have had a running battle with heroin addiction for most of my 20s... I'm 35 now, smoking it and laterly shooting it, But shooting coke made heroin like a secondary thought use it for coming down mabey.

Now I have taken a lot of drugs and coke included but I never experienced high grade cocaine. It was my birthday and I had money in my pocket. I woke up on the sofa at a friend's house after a heavy night on heroin and probably other downers and some alcohol so I was feeling pretty shitty. I called my guy and he had a half gram of heroin he could sell me, that was all I needed to get me through till mabey later that day. But he also said he had coke for sale and it was top level quality but really expensive he would sell me a little bit before he cut it with some baking soda or what ever they were using.

So I went to meet him bought a gram of coke and a galf gram of heroin. Went to a friendly place I could shoot up. Thought to myself I would have a shot of coke, it was my birthday, it was early in the day... All was good in the world! I had heard of people doing it and I was an experienced IV user of heroin at that time so I knew the story about that.

Now I put in around a 0.1 gram of into the spoon and filled up with 0.5 ml of water. I could tell this was strong coke just by looking at and the smell of it ( much better looking than the usuall stuff from the local roadmen) I just thought fuck it and found a vien no problem and banged it into my arm. Now what I experienced next literally took my breath away, as soon as I pulled the needle out the feeling of euphoria that rushed round my body was something I can't really put into words. I tillted my head back let out a huge breath and I could feel my heart was beating fast my ears started ringing straight away. I could taste the coke in my mouth my face went numb it was the strongest rush I had ever felt and it totally blew me away... This was it, this was the rush I wanted now. No other drug comes close. It truly is an amazing experience. This is cocaine in the way it can be experienced for maximum effect.

I went and bought more the next day and that was what I did almost every day for 5 months. I wasn't even interested in heroin unless it was in a shot with the coke.
I went and bought more the next day and that was what I did almost every day for 5 months. I wasn't even interested in heroin unless it was in a shot with the coke.
I spent £12000 on cocaine in that 5 months and it really fucked me I lost so much weight it was scary I looked like a skeleton. Basically injecting cocaine is not a 1 time thing, as soon as I did it that rush had me.

I moved away for work after that and it took me 3 months of sweating and craving that shot again. But to be honest I can never shut that door. And I still treat myself to a gram 1 or 2 times a month
to be honest I can never shut that door. And I still treat myself to a gram 1 or 2 times a month
if I can get good quality coke. I still love that buzz and I'm happy I got to experience the rush that I think is the limit of human reactions to any substance on earth.

I'm happy I experienced it but not so happy it will always be in the back of my mind

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 112106
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Jul 3, 2018Views: 2,671
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Cocaine (13) : First Times (2), Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Glowing Experiences (4), Not Applicable (38)

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