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Open Heart and Soul. Heat. Music. Connection.
Citation:   GreekGirl. "Open Heart and Soul. Heat. Music. Connection.: An Experience with MDMA (exp112111)". Jul 10, 2018.

T+ 0:00
1 capsl oral 5-Methoxymethylone
  T+ 1:24 1 capsl oral 5-Methoxymethylone
  T+ 4:12 1 capsl oral 5-Methoxymethylone
Been seeing a new guy and really connecting well together. We decided to have some molly on a Friday evening after a high protein meal (chicken breast, carrot, broccoli). Had an unusually nice, easy day so felt very relaxed going into the evening. We had spent the previous night together and it was very enjoyable.

Finished dinner around 10:30pm and took first capsule at 11:16pm. By 12:30am, felt peaceful and relaxed but unsatisfied. At 12:40am I noted that we took a second capsule and I was starting to feel aroused. We listened to music, enjoyed the conversation and the dark room. The house was comfortable and it was just the two of us. I think it is worthy to note, the fact I feel relaxed and safe with him is probably why the experience was becoming pleasant
the fact I feel relaxed and safe with him is probably why the experience was becoming pleasant

At 1:08am I was 'feeling so good. Cold feet on the floor. Wet, making out. Not feeling out of control, just pleasant.' Feeling fun and free, enjoying the music, his touch. I noted I could probably do more but I wouldn't mention it to him. By 1:49am, I was feeling wonderful. My notes state 'feels good just making out and listening to music - sweating and kissing with the music. Hot, hot, hot.' So by this point, I was heating up and very aware of my temperature. I have long hair, so the more we cuddled, the hotter I felt. So, up until this point, I'm feeling good.

Now, things turn and I am feeling GREAT. My note from 2:28am just says 'yea' and then I mentioned at 2:59am that I was 'HOTTTTT. So hot'. At this point I'm rolling hard and really enjoying him physically, emotionally, and our chemistry together is really good. The more interesting logs begin at 3:21am reading 'hotttttt wanna fuck. Feel so good. Hot and sexy and good like wine and roses and sex. I feel like the room temp is in the mid 80s. Wish I had a thermometer to check my temperature. Feeling so good. D kisses me the way I would teach someone to kiss me, it's so strange he knows how. The music is great and so is the company. I'm so wet. Loooooooove the music so much. Wish we could do this for 24 straight hours I'd be so happy and content. I don't think his cats are so bad at all.' 3:28am 'Goddddd I wanna fuck so bad. I feel soooooo good fuck.'

At this point, I am really enjoying everything and happy. I'm experiencing euphoria and really feel safe and trusting of him, which is unusual for me. I feel very open to pretty much anything and connected to him. Around this time we took a third capsule, although we both recognized we felt great with the two we already had. I noticed my body, mostly my hips were almost always rolling and grinding on rhythm with the music, lasted several hours.

3:44am - he's going down on me.
4:11am - Going upstairs to bed together. Just need all the music.
4:18am - just downloaded 44 songs
4:40am - feeling good
5:05am - The way D fucks me feels so good.
5:10am - feels so fucking good when he eats my pussy and fingers me and then spits on it. I feel high and good and happy.
5:57am - feels nice to be with someone good, and sexy, and kind. The music is perfect. The temperature is almost perfect. Love music so much.

That was my final entry. I believe we stayed awake another hour or so. I was definitely rolling the hardest from about 2:30am-6:00am. I experienced extreme thirst, estimated I consumed nearly 150-180 ounces of water but never felt my thirst was quenched.

Slept 6 hours, felt great when I woke up. He needed a couple more hours of sleep. Took multi vitamins today, hydrated, took a nap in the pool late afternoon. 10/10 great experience with him.

Pros: euphoria, comfortable and confident feelings, heightened arousal, ability to let my guard down
Cons: Body temp high, would never enjoy this outdoors, thirsty

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112111
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Jul 10, 2018Views: 1,014
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