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Ancient and Mighty
Cacti - columnar & Mushrooms
Citation:   dedeloquasgi. "Ancient and Mighty: An Experience with Cacti - columnar & Mushrooms (exp112114)". Jul 9, 2018.

1.2 g oral Mushrooms  
  32 oz oral Cacti - columnar (tea)
Myself and 3 friends retreated into the woods for a night of spiritual wonder. Between the four of us, we probably had 10 total pounds of San Pedro and Achuma. We had made our large pot of tea the night/morning before we left and reduced it at the site. We had some mushrooms we brought with us just in case the brew messed up.

We arrived at the camp site and began to reduce. We walked the area with sage to purify and set up a crystal circle just for the heck of it. We drank our first of many glasses of mescaline tea, as we hadn't reduced the large pot of tea very much. After a few hours, and 5 glasses later, we were pretty well into the throws of the mescaline. There we noticable visual changes and closed eye visuals produced magical and wonderful landscapes, geometry, architecture and machinery beyond our realm of understanding. I could hear voices in the trees and on the wind. Nature came close to us.

Later we decided to add a little of the mushrooms to see what would happen. What followed was an intense and powerful spiritual experience. The voice of Mescalito (the mescaline spirit) and the voice of the mushrooms grew louder and clearer. After a while, the visuals became heavily infliemced by the mushroom while the voice of the trip was Mescalito's. I decided to lie down and watch my visuals while my friend played his didgeridoo. I feel deeper and deeper into a world of color and architecture. I remember stepping into a city I cannot even begin to describe when the experience overtook me. I had apperently fallen asleep but I was still in the middle of my visions. Upon waking my visuals were so intense for a brief moment I could not tell the edges of reality from the visuals. My friends asked me how my nap was, to my confusion. After telling me they heard me snoring I told them I had no memory of sleeping, and could even remember moving my body around (what I know now was my spirit body). What I am convinced happened is that the spirits of the plants let me fall asleep as I left my body so I could experience what death is like with my 'after-death-vessel'. It was a confusing and powerfully moving experience.

For the rest of the duration of the trip, I listened to the voices of nature and spoke with Mescalito about what happened. I fell back asleep for a couple hours and awoke feeling so alive and at one with nature. Amazing combination for a seeker of spiritual knowledge and the wonders of what lies beyond.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112114
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 9, 2018Views: 956
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64), Cacti - columnar (10) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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