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Nature's Prozac
Albizia julibrissin
Citation:   Bobbinapples. "Nature's Prozac: An Experience with Albizia julibrissin (exp112116)". Jul 10, 2018.

4 flowers smoked Albizia julibrissin (dried)
One night of mindless surfing, I saw 'albizia' and decided to click on it- lo and behold, these grow everywhere around here. Unfortunately, it seems the beauty and effects of this plant are easily lost. I will describe 2 methods with 2 different parts of the plant.

1. Some of the flowers that had been picked were dried on the plant itself. I rolled these into little joints. I read somewhere it was like mexican brick weed but better. Well, I have an aversion to sweet things. It was sickeningly sweet with a slight skunky twinge. After about 20-30 minutes I felt very relaxed and yawned quite a bit. My vision was altered but not impaired.

2. I had cut the bark off of quite an old tree. I boiled it in water creating some kind of tepid drink. This time I started to yawn uncontrollably. I am given to insomnia - hence why I never mention sleep.

Truly, the best effects of both were not for its sedative properties. After each dose I felt light calm and airy. Weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I'm not sure I would ever add this to my usual regimen.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112116
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jul 10, 2018Views: 2,109
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Albizia julibrissin (502) : First Times (2), Retrospective / Summary (11), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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