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Mild but Extremely Enjoyable High
Citation:   Jack Spray. "Mild but Extremely Enjoyable High: An Experience with Codeine (exp112120)". Aug 31, 2018.

200 mg oral Codeine
Having been given substantial amounts of morphine intravenously in hospital a couple of years ago, and really enjoying it despite the pain I was in, I decided to try to recreate the opioid high. Tablets which are 8mg codeine and 500mg paracetemol can be bought OTC here in the UK. I used a pack of 32 tablets, so 256mg codeine, and went through the process of cold water extraction, having found instructions online. Due to loss of codeine through the extraction, I think the dose I took was about 200mg.

I was at home, and the time was just gone midday. I was calm and content before taking.

I will leave the experience in note form, which I made during it. 'T15' means 15 minutes after the dose was taken.

T0. 200mg codeine taken; its a very bitter solution, but chewing gum sorts out the unpleasant taste.

T15. Starting to itch. I remember the 'opioid itch' from the time I was on IV morphine, so take 20mg antihistamine to attempt to combat this

T40. Ate a small meal, just a couple of sausage roles from greggs and an apple

T45. Warm feeling all over, but no real euphoira

T60. I feel so relaxed. I've put on some jazz music, and can just listen. Its not quite euphoria, but the sensation is so nice. My head and brain is pulsating on heart beat but not at all painful, indeed this 'head throbbing' is actually very pleasant. Itching is still bad despite antihisatamines but its deffinetely worth it, I feel great.

T70. Its a mild high but very pleasant warm waves are going around my body. Mild feelings of complete euphoria.

T80 Starting to have dry mouth.

T85 Strong itch, very drowsy, still feel euphoric.

T90 Hard to focus eyes. I'm now struggling to type.

T105 Very slight nausea, very dry mouth, very drowsy, strong itch, but absolutely great outcome for OTC tablets.

T115 Legs a bit numb, but general effects are diminishing.

T125 Feel nauseas when I move.

T230 been asleep for almost 2 hours; it's the middle of the afternoon, and I never sleep during the day. Effects are pretty much gone but I do feel bit shaky.

In summary, the codeine high is not extreme, but is very very pleasant. I would recommend taking a strong dose of anthistamines before hand, as I will do in the future.

It was a great experience, and the codeine is extremely easy to obtain. I'll have to be careful not to get addicted.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112120
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Aug 31, 2018Views: 1,339
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Codeine (14) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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