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Potential For The Weak Minded
Citation:   Brock. "Potential For The Weak Minded: An Experience with LSM-755 (exp112138)". Jul 20, 2018.

2 mg oral LSM-775
When the LSM arrived I was not ready but I'm one of those people, Ready or not Here I come. So I opened it and saw that 10mg was such a tiny amount if 1000 microgram is equal to 1mg how would I measure it? Well its active at low doses for those who do not mess with this sort of thing. As for me I have always had a huge tolerance for all mind altering substances I had never done any form of trip prior to doing Ibogaine at the age of 28, which was like 6 days of being in pure hell and no it did not cure me. I must also say I have a very strong and deep mind so I can be totally normal on most trip while other seem to be tripping balls on the same dose.

So I opened my LSM and took 2000 micrograms or 2mg within 10 minute I was sweating heavy and being it was the 4th of july and daddy bought fire works I was trying not to let my mind think I had done too much. For a brief moment I had some panic come over me but it went away just as soon as I shifted my thought process to enjoying my beautiful family, I stared at them as if I was looking at them from another life yet I was so thankful for what God had given me at that moment.

About 2hr into the trip I began to feel very heavy, alot of body load as if had just eaten a whole lot of Morning Glory seed or HWR, I felt as if my blood wasnt flowing right. I took my blood pressure and all was normal, then we went to the house next door for fireworks everyone was too drunk to notice I was tripping but it totally ruined the rest of my experience because I didnt trust the people I was around.

At 4hrs in we came home my wife says that even she couldnt tell I had dosed it felt like she could though. One thing I noticed is that 1p LSD and LSD come with mental clarity where as LSA and LSM seem to be a bit more foggy headed. As I laid down I began to nod in and out and was trying to decide weather or not to make a move on my wife or not, but being I felt my blood was not flowing right I figured I'd wait until morning. I never did feel myself come down or crash.

Dosing 2-3 days in a row does not work and will cause an induced nightmare. I would say from the feel most the activity is on the 5HTP receptors along with the realease of seretonin and Dopamine.

All of my work and research is in search of new medication for those who suffer with Alzheimer's and have lost their way from reality. If a smell can bring back a memory then just think of what a vision could do. I found no use nor potential for LSM but I can say it is active, I felt no spiritual connections to nature or God, I felt it was lacking the self reflecting and loss of ego. I had no visuals which is not uncommon for me. LSM-755 seems to fit the profile of LSA to me with a bit of LSH, depending on your day.

Thanks for reading

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112138
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Jul 20, 2018Views: 1,962
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LSM-775 (724) : General (1), First Times (2), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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