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Fantastic Surprise to Horrible Crash
Bad/Suspect Ecstasy, Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   greengobin. "Fantastic Surprise to Horrible Crash: An Experience with Bad/Suspect Ecstasy, Alcohol & Cannabis (exp112226)". Sep 30, 2022.

T+ 0:00
1 cup oral Bad/Suspect Ecstasy (capsule)
  T+ 2:30 1 cup oral Bad/Suspect Ecstasy (capsule)
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Alcohol  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Acquired capsules through new source for a late night house music event in the nightclub area of the city I live in. Throughout the day before, I was in a great mindset really excited to spend the night with my friends and cook music a bit cooked. I am a fairly frequent user of MDMA and have done it about every month for about 7 months. In a night I will usually take about 2 tablets or capsules (100ish mg) or about 4 tablets or capsules. Usually I double drop first and then if I have more I space out the rest evenly. I consider myself quite a paranoid person.

Opened the capsules at pres (pre-drinks) to check. Was fine white powder that looked like chalk. Did not taste like MDMA. It tasted more plain and more bitter and less like ass. At the time I became extremely anxious as I know what MDMA looks, smells and tastes like. Me and my friends came to the same conclusion that it was not MDMA and could be absolutely anything.

Regardless, I ingested a capsule 2 hours early (before we entered the event) at pres to see what I was in for. At this same pres I consumed about 3 standard drinks of alcohol. About 20-30 minutes later I had a smooth come up. I was very talkative, excited but also very impatient to go to the club at this time. It took another 1 hour and 30-40 minutes to get to the event. Once I entered I smoked a few ciggies and bought a round of cocktails for me and my friends. During this time maybe 30min after I entered the club I dissolved 1 capsule in my drink. By this time the first cap was wearing off and I was feeling fairly normal.

After about 40 minutes of the 2nd capsule I was dancing at the front of the crowd having a great time. I was dancing pretty energetically for about 3 hours after this time. I felt quite hot, felt very thirsty but was just simply enjoying the music heaps and talking to people around me. I felt connected to them, everyone including myself felt very friendly,nice and fun. During this 3 hours I bought and drank a beer.

Fast forward to when I get home approximately 4-5 hours after I took my 2nd cap. I feel extremely tired, unhealthy and had the most terrible dry mouth. No amount of water seemed to help me with my disgustingly bad dry mouth. I also found that I had chewed my lips to the point where they were bone dry and had given myself an ulcer in my cheek. At this point me and my friends consumed about 3-4 cones of cannabis while playing the Xbox 360 game Skyrim. About 30min after this we got bored and my friends fell asleep and I went to bed.

In bed (this is about 2:30am) I keep getting the worst dry mouth and needing to have to refill my cup of water beside my bed. I then have to keep going to the toilet and this continues for about an hour to a great annoyance of my friends who keep hearing the clamour. I finally am able to lie in bed somewhat content. I can't fall asleep however and distinctly remember my heart beat, beating very fast even while sitting still. I didnt measure it but it was at least 120bpm.

After about 20mins of trying to get my heart rate down I start panicking. This is where the anxiety really started kicking in. I kept thinking I got some bad batch designer drugs like 2C-I, 2C-B, synthetic LSD or any of those fucked up things. At this point I start believing I am having some kind of super rare adverse reaction and my body is burning up. At this point I also can hear the music that I heard that night replaying in my head. During my paranoia I somehow managed to think while that I had a fun night, that I was actually embarrassing the whole night in terms of dancing in a crowd. Because of this I somehow thought it'd be a good idea to all photos on my Instagram that were somehow connected to any kind of partying in any shape or form.The biggest thing I can remember, is this imagery I kept getting of me as some kind of metal robot humanoid being who, after this night, had his internals and joints all rusted in and decayed. I felt like my brain was decaying and rusting as my heart beat kept going fast as fuck.

Somehow I fell asleep at an unknown point and woke up at about 10:30. I barely had a proper comedown and I only felt hungry and thirsty the next day. I don't know what I took but it sure felt like MDMA during the high. During the crash however, it didnt feel like any MDMA I had had before in my life. The crash was gnarly, cold, brutal, anxiety producing and scary. The crash was surreal if I had to label it with one word. It was more neutral then negative I would say. Scary at the time but some sorta funny scitz shit looking back.

I can say now catagorically I will never touch illicit drugs (other then cannabis) anymore as I now feel I cannot confidently know what the actual compound in a bag of pills or powder is.

[Reported Dose: ''MDxx or like substance, Alcohol (5 standards), Cannabis (about half a gram)'']

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112226
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 30, 2022Views: 357
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Bad/Suspect Ecstasy (567), Alcohol (61), Cannabis (1) : Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Club / Bar (25)

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