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Everything and Nothing
Citation:   JadedKitten. "Everything and Nothing: An Experience with 2C-E (exp112257)". Aug 22, 2018.

9 mg rectal 2C-E
  5 mg rectal 2C-E
    oral Etizolam
A few nights ago, I plugged some 2C-E for the first time. I took about 9mg. Before this, I have experience with MXE, DXM, LSD, marijuana, kratom, and whippets. I never did 2C-E before this.

The first thing that happened after I plugged it was I immediately had to go take a shit. I was on the toilet, constipated, and then I started tripping. I remember seeing the walls and everything start to move, and bugs flying around, that I'm not sure were actually there. There were a lot of dots, too.

After finishing in the bathroom, I went back to our bedroom, where my girlfriend was on her desktop. She was completely sober. I started tripping more and more intensely, and not knowing what was going on. I had a lot of nausea on the come-up, and during that time, I was kneeling over a trashbin for a while. I remember feeling like everything was going wrong, and I asked my girlfriend to give me some of my etizolam. I also was pretty hyperactive at this point. I remember going back and forth between the living room and bedroom, not knowing what I was doing. I was clenching my teeth a ton, and it felt pretty good. My girlfriend stuck her finger in my mouth to give me the etizolam, and I accidentally bit her once. I realized what was happening a bit and apologized the second time she gave me some, and she said I didn't actually bite her that time.

In the living room, the plan was to lay down on the couch and watch something. Turning on netflix and trying to decide what to watch was challenging enough. I think I ended up putting some Tycho on instead, and just laying there a bit, still freaking out a little, but still pretty alright. I slowly was losing memory of everything, and it was hard to talk to her. I also saw lots of visuals.

Eventually, I wanted to go outside. I was extremely hot, so I did. It was raining and nice out there. I remember going out into the backyard onto our porch, and then I leaned over and felt more nausea. Soon after staying out, I realized that I locked myself outside. My girlfriend went to the bathroom at this time, and I started panicking. What made this even worse was that I heard sirens in the distance, and I started thinking that someone called the cops or something and I was gonna get arrested or go to the hospital.

Outside, I was in the rain with no shoes, slowly not knowing what was going on, thinking I was dying, and just really wanting to go back inside. I started frantically texting my girlfriend to let me back in, but she was still in the bathroom. I remember asking her to let me back in and that I was outside. She was a bit afraid, cus she didn't know who was banging on the door. I also texted her if I was dying, as I was pretty close to ego death at this point.

Eventually, after what felt like an eternity (but she later said was five minutes), she came and let me back in. I remember hugging her and feeling relieved that I was finally outside. I wanted her to measure my pulse, as when I'm in panic mode, I'm always worried that I'm having a heart attack. I had thought loops of this, and kept asking her if I was dying, or if I was dead, or if I'm okay. I had no idea what was going on, and I think I was experiencing ego death at this point.

I slowly started to calm down from her. She had me lay down on the couch, and turned on Planet Earth on netflix. I layed down and watched it, and it was amazing. I felt like I was both everything and nothing at the same time. I remember hearing birds sounds echoing, and watching tree branches grow in fractals, and watching the environment around me feel extremely wavy, especially the ceiling boards. Watching leapords was super trippy, as their spots would move and it just all looked so incredible. I thought I was both everything and nothing at the same time. At this point, it felt like many many hours had passed since I started my trip, but in reality it was only about 4 or 6 or less. Eventually the visuals wore off, but I still felt the body high, and it was still great.

I remember stopping the show eventually, and then laying on the floor in the kitchen. I was talking to my girlfriend and she opened up the freezer, and it felt amazing. I just wanted her to leave it open for a while. She cooked some gyazo and we ate it together. That was so good.

A few hours later, I redosed a smaller amount to get more visuals, and this time I felt much more in control. I remember cooking more gyazo and mashed potatoes for my girlfriend while listening to Tycho and later Shpongle. We both ate it and it also tasted amazing. Soon, I just started watching more Planet Earth until the visuals were gone again, and eventually I went to sleep, as she had as well at that time.

All in all, this was the most intense experience of my life so far. Even more intense than my two acid trips, where I didn't even take that much both times. I still think that acid is a better hallucinogen than 2C-E, but this was still an amazing trip. This was my first actually good one.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112257
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Aug 22, 2018Views: 929
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2C-E (137) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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