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BAD Brownies
by Crys
Citation:   Crys. "BAD Brownies: An Experience with Cannabis (exp112287)". Aug 20, 2018.

  oral Cannabis (edible / food)
I wanted to caution others on edibles. I am a graduate student and been smoking pot off/on since I was 17. I had purchased a quarter ounce just over a year 1/2 ago from making my 'special brownies'. I am finishing up my degree in just a few short months, proceeding into the medical field.

I had the rest of this weed put away, not really partaking much as been deeply involved in my research studies for the past year, in an accelerated master's program. I decided before this fall term starting, to have one more fun experience before giving up weed to start my new direction for this profession. (along with knowing will be drug screenings etc.)

I got the bright idea to take this last 1/8th and make a batch of brownies. I have had edibles in the past a few times, w/o much problem. I figured, since I have not used this weed much in this past year or so, it would be weak now and not potent. I baked up the most tasty brownies! I decided to eat about quarter of the pan to myself and enjoy the chocolate goodness, thinking I would get a mild buzz... Chill to a movie then go to sleep. This was 2 days ago. I am still buzzing!
This was 2 days ago. I am still buzzing!

This brownie hit me within 40 minutes and was the WORST 6 hour trip of my LIFE. I have NEVER done 'real drugs'. Pot is it. Aside from some drinking etc. But I LOVE pot. With CBD legal now, I really have no use to get 'high' anymore getting older etc. Anyways, I thought I was tripping on acid. I ended up SO violently ill from these evil, delicious concoctions! I have never been SO HIGH in my life to the point of tripping out. I heard things, saw things and I felt detached from my body. I was on another spaced out plane of existence. It was NOT fun. I ended up at a neighbors home thinking I was dying. Thankfully the man that lives there has been through this experience. He re-assured me I was not dying. The most embarrassing part, is I projectile vomited all over their living room floor!

They forgave me and I found homes for treating SMALLER doses of these brownies to friends! I MAY try a TINY piece again, to enjoy a NICE body buzz.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112287
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 43
Published: Aug 20, 2018Views: 847
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