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Time Awake Paralyzed and Time Asleep
Amanitas - A. muscaria
Citation:   Bob M. "Time Awake Paralyzed and Time Asleep: An Experience with Amanitas - A. muscaria (exp112296)". Oct 12, 2020.

T+ 0:00
15 g oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
  T+ 0:30 1-2 g oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
Amanita Muscaria First Experience

I was reading a magazine at a cousin's house one afternoon a few weeks ago while coming down from an alcohol buzz. Amanita muscaria mushrooms for sale in one article caught my eye as I always wanted to trip on mushrooms. Even though I was reading a 10 year old High Times magazine I figured these bright red mushrooms were worth looking into.

I was afraid to eat the local psilocybin because 3 of my other friends accidentally ate some death caps a couple of years ago and 2 of them died. The third received a partial liver transplant with her mother being the donor.

I ended up finding some Washington state grade A++ specimens at an online headshop that had some great reviews. I bought 1 oz. of these Amanitas and started my research while I was waiting on them to be delivered.

Of course, I intended to use these mushrooms recreationally so it became obvious to me after doing some research that I should not try to make a soup with my Amanitas but instead eat these mushrooms dry or rehydrated in room temperature water. My research indicated that a strong dose of Amanitas would be around 15 grams so that is what I tried.

I ate 15 grams of Amanitas dry (very hard for me to do) around 11:00 AM on a Saturday followed by a couple of glasses of cold water. After about 30 minutes I was not feeling anything yet so I decided to pull one more smaller cap out of my bag in the freezer and nibble on it. These were beautifully preserved specimens. They looked very much like the red mushrooms in Alice in Wonderland and I enjoyed just sitting around with a psychadelic mushroom while waiting for the unknown to start happening.

Saturday 11:00 AM: eat 15 grams dry Amanita muscaria followed by water

Saturday 11:30 AM: No effects, slowly eat another 1 to 2 grams of dry Amanita muscaria

Saturday 11:45 AM: Experiencing painful stomach cramps causing me to fold up in my recliner followed by waves of nausea

Saturday 12:00 PM: Stomach cramps have become so severe that I am considering calling 911. Nausea has subsided and my vision is starting to get blurry.

Saturday 12:30 PM: My vision is poor, stomach cramps are persistant, I have started to drool uncontrollably, and I am starting to experience extreme muscle weakness. I fear that by choosing not to call 911 I have chosen to die.

Saturday 12:30-12:45 PM: I make my way to my bed in another room.

Saturday to Sunday around Noon: I go into a state of deliriousness where I spend time awake paralyzed and time asleep. I start having the most lucid dreams I have ever had in my life. After a unknown period of time my dreams start to become indistiguishable from reality and I find myself doing things that are physically impossible like flying, repeating periods of time (like living an experience more than once), doing super-human things, living multiple lives, and the list just goes on.

Sunday around 12:00 PM: My muscles are still too weak for me to move around but my consciousness has returned. I have a 24-inch puddle of drool around my body and feel extremely tired even though I have been out of reality for about 24 hours.

Sunday around 3:00 PM: I have taken a shower and dressed myself. I am standing at my glass double doors looking at my Jeep Grand Cherokee in nearly a clear state of mind. I get very sad because I am damaged mentally. I believe in things now that I know cannot happen. I know they cannot happen but I believe in them and if I believe in them then that means that I am not real because if I believe in those things nothing is real.

It took me a couple of weeks to accept the experience I had on Amanita muscaria mushrooms and live with that experience. The things I did in my state of delirium and the things I felt during that time were just as real as anything I have ever done in my life. I will never eat Amanita muscaria mushrooms again as long as I live.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112296
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Oct 12, 2020Views: 772
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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